Banned for leaving

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Booker, Oct 22, 2013.

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  1. Booker

    Booker Member

    Your Steam ID:confused:TEAM_0:1:40789871
    Your In Game Nickname:Booker

    Why should you be unbanned: I got banned because I thought someone killed a person in another room because there was a a lot of bodies in the area so I didn't bother looking for unid so I shot the guy in the room. I stopped shooting realizing he was inno taking away a quarter of health from him so he called a kos on me. I had to go so I let him kill me and left not expecting to be banned.

    Evidence of innocence: I also got banned a week ago from bad timing. I killed a afk during a round a little bit before overtime then when he came back on he reported me and asked how he died. Then I saw a guy killed kill a traitor not knowing this I shot him and then he reported me too. Since I usaully explain why I kill those people at the end of the round I got banned midway through the round so it sucks to be banned again.
  2. Cupcake Mayhem

    Cupcake Mayhem Uncuffed VIP

    You should not have left in the first place you were banned by Tail for RDM and leave it is up to him if yo will be unbanned or not.
  3. Booker

    Booker Member

    I left for school so I had to go. I just played a few rounds to see I if can get traitor and to see who won the lottery.
  4. Booker

    Booker Member

    Any word from Tail yet?
  5. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    I think I was there for the ban which you ate appealing. If Tail didn't ban you, I was going to. It was kinda bad that you RDM'd, lost your fight, and left right after without asking an admin if it were okay; you didn't apologize to the other member, if I recall. I think I may have even asked why you did that before you left. I'm sure I have screenshots of the event on my computer at home if Tail doesn't have them. Personally, I would keep the ban on you and let you play on our other server, but, as stated by Cupcake, it's up to Tail.
  6. Booker

    Booker Member

    Were you on yesterday on about 5:30 AM well for the server clock it showed that when I got banned. Also I know what Tail banned me for but I don't know why because I basically shot the guy and when I died the round was over in the next 2 seconds which I died in 5 seconds.
  7. Sorry booker, im going to let you serve the time. but feel free to play on the other server,
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