Completed Report against Thuggels

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Penthercy, Aug 21, 2014.

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  1. Penthercy

    Penthercy VIP

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Which Server:
    Which Map:
    Time of Occurence:
    2100 hrs MDT approx.
    Reason For Report:
    Player was ghosting on the server and started to brag as soon as Teezy left. Recorded demo.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
  2. Steven

    Steven VIP Silver

    Could you upload the evidence to a more trusted website such as youtube, media share or dropbox as I sadly do not trust this website. Once that has been done I will investigate the report.
  3. Penthercy

    Penthercy VIP

    It took me a while to find a site to upload this without having to register or pay. Youtube says I cant upload this type of file, so that means I would have to find another free site to convert the file so I can upload to youtube. Ghosting is very serious and if you dont want to stop a ghoster from playing on our servers, thats your call.
  4. Turquoise

    Turquoise Princess of Vanilla VIP

    Penthercy, upload it to . It's free, and guaranteed to be safe. If you don't want to register, and make those of the staff/players that view these reports feel safer to click on the link then that's your call sire.
  5. ThatBox

    ThatBox Not this box, that one. VIP

  6. Penthercy

    Penthercy VIP

    Thank you very much Thatbox.
  7. Steven

    Steven VIP Silver

    Sadly im having issues viewing the evidence so if another staff member could handle the report that would be great
  8. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

    The demo only has the ending of his admittance. He claims he is in a Skype call, and that is perfectly fine. You may play while being on Skype but if you inform players in your Skype call of in-game events they are not yet aware of we must take action. Do you have any further evidence to assist us? The player he was ghosting with, players he randomly killed, etc.
  9. Penthercy

    Penthercy VIP

    The guy who gets KOS'd near the end was his partner. You can hear him say "No dont kill him!" and he says "I was telling him where the Ts were, I was like theres a T there" .... kinda full confession lol thats all i got though so... do what you may
  10. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

    Unfortunately, the demo only has him saying "No don't kill him". Zero, the player he was defending is not on his friends list. Even if Thuggels admitted to ghosting, we would need to investigate if he really was, we do not ban players for claiming they do things without investigating it first. We don't ban hackers for saying they're hacking unless we have evidence of them hacking, the same applies with ghosting. For us staff members to have ample evidence of him ghosting, we would need to know the player he was ghosting with, if we were in-game we could easily find that out with a handy command. We would need to know if he was aware of any events that he was not present to be aware of (traitors killing innocents without him witnessing it, who the traitors are). We could find this in the damagelogs to see if the traitors he killed/called out did anything to be killed/called out or spectating him in spectator-only mode and only then would we be able to take action.

    I hope I could clear this up for you and If my words do not prove helpful, here is a quote from Highwon:
    With the insignificant evidence provided I will lock this report and deem it invalid. If you would like to further discuss this, please start a conversation with me here on the forums.
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