Approved Avenger's_Alt's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Avenger's_Alt, Aug 18, 2014.

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  1. Avenger's_Alt

    Avenger's_Alt Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Avenger's Alt
    Your Steam ID:
    Avenger's Alt
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    There is no reason that I was banned. Everything seemed fine to me?
    Evidence of Innocence:
    Well, for one I don't even know what I did that could get me banned for 56 days. All the RDM's were accidental and I got punished for those in game by being slain, but even then there weren't that many. Everybody RDM's by accident. It's not like I did it perpetually. And this is even if i got banned for those petty RDMs. Why did I really get banned? I like this server, what'd I do wrong?​
  2. Avenger's_Alt

    Avenger's_Alt Member

    I'm really sorry for whatever I did, but I'd really like to get back on the server.
  3. Avenger's_Alt

    Avenger's_Alt Member

    I do let my brother use my account, I'll ask him if he did anything to upset the admins.
  4. Avenger's_Alt

    Avenger's_Alt Member

    He said no.. Someone please review this. I just want to play.
  5. daddy

    daddy おじいちゃんファック VIP Bronze

    You were banned by @Event Horizon for RDM & Leave Fourth Offense and @McMuffin globalized it, they will respond at their earliest convenience.

    For future reference, your Steam ID is STEAM_0:1:38370870
  6. Avenger's_Alt

    Avenger's_Alt Member

    Sorry, I didn't even know what that was.
    And I responded to all the reports. They were all accidental. I didnt leave after spontaneously RDMing? I got punished for all the accidental ones. @Kenny
  7. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    I was requested to ban you by @Raven Blade as he was the one who dealt with the reports against you, allegedly.
  8. Avenger's_Alt

    Avenger's_Alt Member

    Raven Blade? I played with him! I didn't RDM for a good hour and everything seemed to be fine! No warning nothing. I logged off and I come back to be banned? Can I play now? This is cray :c @Event Horizon
  9. Koba

    Koba Give your all VIP Emerald

    Hello Avengers_Alt. @McMuffin. I will review the logs tomorrow morning and I will gather evidence that you rdm and left.
  10. Koba

    Koba Give your all VIP Emerald

    Hello again Avengers Alt. So this morning I gathered some evidence. Here it is:
    I gave you until the end of the round to come back and you failed to do so, so I asked event horizon to ban you for rdm and leave 4th offense which is a global offense when it becomes at least 4 bans. I will let the admins go next in what they see.
  11. Avenger's_Alt

    Avenger's_Alt Member

    Okay, yeah. That was my moronic brother.
    1) I remember leaving to go get food while he was in the room next to my open GMOD. When I came back, it was closed out and I decided to stop for the day. I figured it crashed like it usually does.
    2) I Don't use rifles.
    3) He admitted to it.

    And a ban for 56 days? Isn't that a bit much?
    Can I be unbanned please. This is really the only good server and I'm sorry. @Event Horizon @Raven Blade
  12. Avenger's_Alt

    Avenger's_Alt Member

    I appreciate you going through the effort of gathering all that tedious evidence. I'm making my brother an account through family share hopefully that way this won't happen again.
  13. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    I will reduce your ban to a local offense. Be careful as your next ban will be 5th offense of RDM & Leave and we can't keep being lenient.
  14. Avenger's_Alt

    Avenger's_Alt Member

    As for the first three offenses, I used to not take the game seriously, but now I do so if that helps teeter the decision I'm all for it. Sorry for all the offenses, though some of them may have been accidental. I used to just leave after an RDM bc i didn't want to go through the hassle of being slain the next round so I'd just stop for the day. But this last one I swear was my brother, and I will continue to try not to RDM again.
  15. Avenger's_Alt

    Avenger's_Alt Member

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