Opinion on something Players only! no mods or admins until we get an opinion.

Discussion in 'TTT Discussion' started by Scubasky, Aug 12, 2014.

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  1. Scubasky

    Scubasky VIP

    In the diagram below the INNOCENT in the doll house said in voice chat to everyone he saw a TRAITOR named "BBQ" push a detective off the bookshelf to his death. The INNOCENT in the doll house then shoots at the TRAITOR on the bookshelf, and is instantly killed by an INNOCENT with a sniper on top of the doorway to the right.

    The facts are an Innocent called out a traitor on the bookshelf for pushing a detective off to his death with a crowbar.

    The same innocent then proceeded to engage the TRAITOR with ak47.

    An innocent then shot the other innocent just because he was shooting a gun which was in no way pointed at or near him.

    Players ONLY opinion on this being RDM.

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  2. urisk2

    urisk2 ~Rawr~ I'm a polar bear VIP

    Yeah... I have an answer for the question but, based on how you asked the question, you won't like the answer :p
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  3. No matter what you are doing, you can shoot anyone for shooting towards another player, as it is a traiterous act.

    No slays or warnings would be given, but you should tell the inno who shot you to be less trigger happy.
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  4. tz-

    tz- feelin it VIP Emerald

    "No mods or admins"
    Yea, no. It's not RDM, he saw you shooting at someone, you could've been a traitor, he shot you. Simple as that. You making a thread and trying to target players only isn't going to help, it's not going to give you the answer you want.
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  5. @Scubasky I honestly don't think it's rdm and ever will be changed. (This is allowed currently)
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  6. Koba

    Koba Give your all VIP Emerald

    Yes this is not rdm. And I also do not suggest saying no mods or admins allowed.
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  7. Scubasky

    Scubasky VIP

    What is the point of TTT then, I have played for years, and I have NEVER heard the rule you can just shoot someone just for SHOOTING. It has always been if you see two people shooting at each other, you keep your crosshairs on the guy and request he ID the body. If he id's the body as inno, then you can kill him. Just shooting at people who are shooting is just team death match basically, there is no detective, crime solving skills involved in that. Im not sure if the mods are saying thats how they play it here, or if they think thats how ttt is played but its not.
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  8. Scubasky

    Scubasky VIP

    I understand you can kill someone if they tbait and shoot at you, actually shoot you, go past an unid body, shoot someone, and Id them as innocent, or false KOS someone. None of these applied. I dont understand where they are getting the you can instantly shoot just because people are shooting. That just noob type gameplay which gets a slay on any server I have seen.
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  9. lol, this is called seriousTTT, it's serious and thus has serious/realistic rules. If you were a cop and you saw someone shooting at another, you'd intervene .-.
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  10. Opii

    Opii Keep it Simple. VIP

    The player who had fired at the Innocent on the bed 1. May have not known where the Traitor who had pushed the Detective off the bed was(he could have mistaked him with you) 2. May have not heard the commotion(possibly muted speakers) and only witnessed you firing at another player. 3. Thought you were taking advantage of the chaos at this point to kill other players and killed you.

    It's an honest mistake any player would make and if we were to classify it as RDM, many more players would slain per round when all they did was shoot at the player shooting at another player(a traitorous act they witnessed).
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2014
  11. ^
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  12. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    One of the traitorous acts is shooting towards players (traitor baiting). That traitor baiting doesn't necessarily have to be towards you, it can be towards anyone.

    Our rules in the MOTD are purely objective and give no insight to the context of a situation. Some players are trigger happy, others do not want to take their chances on missing an opportunity to kill a traitor.
  13. Scubasky

    Scubasky VIP

    Ok that clears it up, shoot anyone that is shooting unless its clearly straight up or down or in a corner because they could be shooting at someone. Also to the person above, a cop would not instantly shoot them they would give them loud verbal commands and request that they put the weapon down, if the do not comply they then go through the use of force continuum.
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  14. lol just cause you're butthurt about getting killed doesn't mean you need to downvote the truth :>
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  15. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    Well to be fair, it's a game where people with guns shoot at other people with guns, so unless it's obvious that they aren't shooting anything significant, it's safe to go with the motto, "If you shoot, you ask to be shot." Personally I've lost my trigger happy ways in favor of trying my best to kill only traitors and not innocents. It's something that takes a lot of practice, but my usual innocent/detective rounds end with me killing 2-4 traitors and 0-1 innocents. Players who aren't yet at that level of intuit mitigate this by killing anyone our rules allow them to, which is not how to play the game in the best interest of your team. Yes, our rules might allow you to kill someone but sometimes it's best to wait and assess the situation before going in guns blazing.
  16. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    I want you to look at this post as coming from a player in this community; one that has been around long enough to have seen the situation you're talking about numerous times. The reason that it is traitorous to shoot towards other players, regardless of if they call someone out as a traitor or not, is because traitors lie. I have seen numerous times where a traitor shoots at an innocent at the same time they are calling the innocent a traitor. You make it a clear point to mention the player roles in your scenario, however, the only people that know your role when you're an innocent is you and anyone who witnesses you kill a traitor/test innocent; even a detective or another person saying, "This person is innocent" isn't a good enough thing, because sometimes their wrong. There are numerous times when you'll see traitors say that their t buddies are proven, but unless you witness it, don't mark them. In the end, the reason it is traitorous and always will be is because no one knows who the traitor is when they're both committing traitorous acts. I know that it sucks when you're the innocent that gets killed while you're trying to kill a traitor, but it's not RDM. If your RDM report ever begins with, I was<insert any traitorous act>, it 99% of the time isn't RDM when you're killed.
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  17. Scubasky

    Scubasky VIP

    "The reason that it is traitorous to shoot towards other players, regardless of if they call someone out as a traitor or not, is because traitors lie. I have seen numerous times where a traitor shoots at an innocent at the same time they are calling the innocent a traitor."

    Thats not the original and most used rule in TTT. If you see 2 people shoot each other, you let the surviving one know you saw him, and tell him to identify the body. If the body is inno, or he runs away, or tries to engage you, then you can kill them. The rules you guys have here allow anyone to RDM, and just say "i saw him shooting, he was shooting at someone, he was shooting at me" no matter if the guy had just killed a t as in my case.
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  18. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    We have bullet logs that show when someone fires off their gun.

    And in an upcoming update to our RDM manager, we get to see a live event preceding the death of a player (that is killed by a gun, for now) and see exactly where they are shooting and exactly what happened. This will be added to our servers in the near future.

    Basically, we can tell if someone is lying in a report most of the time.
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  19. Wait so it's like TV? That would be awesome to see
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  20. Mr. Disco

    Mr. Disco Jeff Lynne is a musical genius. VIP

    He can say no mods/admins because most admins/mods don't have the best staff/player relationship. I would say YES it is rdm and no it isn't. If the INNO #1 Said TRAITOR #1 is a traitor, then inno #2 shoots & kills the traitor plus, inno #1 saw his location. Basically, it is being a loophole troll. Nothing can be done, they're shamed on. (They will get a CoI ban)
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