This is shocking. I'm glad you've chosen to stick around, and even though you have stepped down, you're still a lead admin in my eyes.
I always joked about you being a spectator robot. When you came on you'd sit in spectator and I'd watch as the screen would pop up with "ComPeter has slayed" over and over. It was pretty cool hearing you over TS for the first time to break my illusion of you Mr. Robot. Sad to see you retire, but don't be a stranger.
Well, you're finally giving up your lead position it was certainly fun staffing with you a while back you never did get me back for kicking you for the "porn spray" which I thought it was at the time hehe but other than that seems weird not seeing you staff member now, you always have been a big part of this community and always will be so good luck to anything that you choose to do