New South Park Jihad V.2

Discussion in 'Jihad Sounds' started by vonDicey, Jun 17, 2014.

  1. vonDicey

    vonDicey Protocol Dictates Action. VIP

    Since guilty said that my previous jihad suggestion could potentially offend some people >.<
    I decided to suggest a new one. This one free of any profanitah.
    • Like Like x 2
  2. Thorn

    Thorn A Thorn in your side. VIP

    I normally would not do this, however this is a must and needs to be added by the time I get home so yeah @Highwon add this for the love of god add this lol.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. Oh my freakin god +1 was gonna post this but then I saw yours and well yea
  4. +1 That episode was great.
  5. prochaos

    prochaos VIP

    well yeh why this isnt already in the game who knows, Add it the puzzle will be complete