Approved Penthercy's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Penthercy, Jul 23, 2014.

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  1. Penthercy

    Penthercy VIP

    Your In Game Nickname:
    sG | Penthercy
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Wrongfully banned
    Evidence of Innocence:
    I was banned for "Ghosting with MS WINTERS"

    Basically on the map MS WINTERS goes into the traitor testing room and blocks the door. I would most of the time get there right when he does or before him thus allowing me in the room before he blocks. Then we end up both innocent and no one can kill each other.

    One round I was a T and he was innocent. He was inside the room blocking the door and when he stepped away someone tried to come in and I killed them. I lied to MS WINTERS and told him he shot first so he believed me and didnt kill me. Few more people came and i killed them as one of my T buddies came in and killed MS WINTERS.

    Few rounds later he ended up being a T and got me killed by making it look like I shot someone...

    that was it... 2 rounds of us tricking each other in the testing room.

    MS was perm banned for blocking the doors and I was banned for ghosting... im not sure what happened was ghosting but please look into the matter and let me know. Also how long is the ban for?

    Thank you for your anticipated assistance in the matter

    - Pent​
  2. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

  3. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    Several players were complaining that you and MS Winters were camping the traitor tester room on Community Pool, both on different teams. I decided to investigate it and sure enough, the claims were true. For more than a few rounds, you and MS Winters were camping there, being on different teams. This is known as meta-gaming and it's a form of ghosting (especially since there was no word of you guys organizing it in global chat).

    The ban is only local to East so you and MS Winters are free to play on our other 4 servers while this investigation takes place.
  4. Orion

    Orion He is Exalted Administrator VIP

    Yup, I am a witness of this.
    WINTERS was camping at community pool's tester room everytime. And it was a guaranteed kill everytime someone opened that one door.
    I don't have much to say to this, because I don't know why penthercy was banned for ghosting. But I can assure that WINTERS was camping indeed, and always won the round as a T because of camping. WINTERS said penthercy was holding him/her as a hostage at the tester, and everytime someone opened the door, boom.
    I think that's why you got banned.
  5. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    We don't ban for camping, lol. What I'm talking about here is how they appeared to be working together, despite being on different teams.
  6. Orion

    Orion He is Exalted Administrator VIP

    I never mentioned a camping ban. I also mentioned how they worked together (kinda) as WINTERS says penthercy was holding him/her as a hostage in the tester and then killing everyone who came in. I forgot to mention both of them inside the room, sorry.
  7. Stardust

    Stardust The carousel never stops turning. VIP

    The first time this happened where you tricked him would have been accepted, if it had stopped there. This was not the only time you guys worked together on that map. You forgot to mention the round when Ms. Winters was a traitor so you door blocked and helped him get kills. I killed myself to check it out since players were complaining. I witnessed that you were now the one door blocking for Ms. Winters. In one of the instances where he was killing innocents in front of you, you had opened the door, where a detective was waiting, he then harpooned said detective in front of you, and you simply shut the door. You cannot say that you did not in fact know he was a traitor. Simply having the harpoon was enough to kill him and now that you had seen him kill a detective was more than enough evidence, but you shut yourself in the room with him.

    You were not wrongfully banned. In my opinion you should be left to serve out your slay, but this is up to @Event Horizon
  8. Penthercy

    Penthercy VIP

    In response to Event Horizon I have stated that there was only two rounds where MS WINTERS and I were on opposing teams. I was the First one to be a T and I just played it smart. MS WINTERS was camping in there with no weapon as an innocent and I was surrounded by 4-5 inno/det outside the room, with almost no ammo left I saved it all for the armed enemies outside the room. Eventually I was killed and there was no issue.

    The 2nd and only other time where MS WINTERS and I were on opposing teams was when he was a T and I was innocent. He shot at people and ran away, then the ppl rushed in and killed me. I didnt even know he was a T long enough to react before I was killed.

    There were numerous other rounds where we were both innocent in that room and other people came in as well. Never did I block the door or use third party communication to talk with MS WINTERS. There was no big organization that would lead someone to believe that we needed to talk to each other outside of in game chat.... It was two rounds where we ended up getting each other killed
  9. Penthercy

    Penthercy VIP

    FYI during that round we were BOTH traitors and not blocking the door we were killing people like we are supposed to do. He harpoon killed someone and ran away then I waited and harpoon killed someone. Not any big strategy required... Also I dont know how he was blocking the door because when I was standing in front to look out the peephole people easily opened the door and pushed me aside.
  10. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    The logs show that on that round, you were innocent and WINTERS was a traitor:

  11. Penthercy

    Penthercy VIP

    This would be the round where I said I was killed before I could even react to MS WINTERS being a traitor. Note he killed the detective at 00:48 seconds and I died at 00:49 seconds. This is NOT the round I believe Tolly to be talking about where we both were killing people with harpoons when Tolly was in spectate. During that round we were both T

    I do not know MS WINTERS and i do not care about why he was banned. I played this map with him 2 days ago where he always camped in there and I was the one dying on the outside. So today I decided I was going to infiltrate him from the inside.

    The evidence posted above proves that we were not working together at all seeing as I was the one who died because his actions 50 seconds into the round. It was not like we camped for minutes long and made a plan. He acted within 48 seconds which got me killed, probably his plan all along.
  12. Orion

    Orion He is Exalted Administrator VIP

    The logs don't lie. We got you ghosting/trucing with a traitor by camping inside community pool's tester room and letting the T do the job while the inno blocks the door.
  13. Penthercy

    Penthercy VIP

    Thats right they dont lie. So if you view them you would know we were not working together. As seen above when he got me killed 1 second after killing a detective and hiding leaving me to get shot and killed. I didnt even know he was a traitor that round.
  14. Orion

    Orion He is Exalted Administrator VIP

    How were you now working together? You both died basically at the same time, and everyone witnessed you camping in the tester room.
  15. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    After a more thorough investigation of the logs, combined with your reasoning behind each of the offenses, it was determined that there is not enough evidence to put you or WINTERS to blame for ghosting. You both have been unbanned from East, and I apologize for any inconvenience.
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