game crashed

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by tanner, Oct 12, 2013.

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  1. tanner

    tanner Member

    Your In Game Nickname: supergage1
    Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:49171782

    Why should you be unbanned: i was permabanned for mass rdm and leave. On the map minecraft on the east server, there was only me, cupcake mayhem, derpy, omgtin, and 2 other people playing and one was an afk. Since it was 5 minutes in and no one had killed anyone, I shot the afk in the head and killed him. Cupcake was there in front of me, and he shot me for killing the afk. I instinctively shot back, and he killed me. I think that this is where he got 'mass' rdm from. He slayed me for a round, and I took it. During the middle of the slay round. my game crashed; i didnt leave on purpose. When I got back on, I was permabanned.
    Evidence of innocence: since I couldn't send steam messages to cupcake w/o him being my friend, i sent him a friend request. When he didn't respond to that, I sent one to derpy, who was playing with cupcake at that moment. If you ask cupcake and derpy about it, I am sure you will see that this was a misunderstanding. Also, if I did do it on purpose, it isn't a permaban for an rdm and leave first offense. It's only a 5 day ban.

    EDIT (please ignore the below conversation, that was me just bring kinda pissed at cupcake)
  2. Cupcake Mayhem

    Cupcake Mayhem Uncuffed VIP

    You have made exuses for your RDM and leave a bit to many times, I will not unbann you.
  3. tanner

    tanner Member

    i didn't leave, my game crashes a lot, i swear. this server is my favorite, and i love everyone and their personalities on it. why are you being so mean?
  4. tanner

    tanner Member

    plus, when did i mass rdm? you never slayed omgtin for rdming, and it isn't a permaban for rdm and leave anyway
  5. omgtin

    omgtin VIP

    When did i rdm?
  6. PixelAura

    PixelAura VIP

    I think you get perma banned when you keep mass rdming more than 1 or 2 times and got banned for it

    EDIT : I think it just means, the server would be much better without you, is what they are trying to express with permabans
  7. tanner

    tanner Member

    omg, you rdmed cupcake and someone ellse when we were playing on the minecraft map. also, i would like to know when exactly did i mass rdm?
    this server is the only on ethat i play on, and i love it. why would i mass rdm and rdm and leave after all of this time? i have been playing on it since they first set up the donater and VIP pointshop
  8. omgtin

    omgtin VIP

    Well i just talked to cupcake and according to him I did not rdm anyone.
  9. tanner

    tanner Member

    ok, must have mistaken
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