DNA on T items

Discussion in 'TTT Suggestions' started by Fritos® Chicken Enchilada, Jul 4, 2014.

  1. Currently the Death Station is very overpowered when paired with the upgrade, and there needs to be a consequence to the Death Station and other T entities.

    As fas as I've tested, several T entities don't give DNA. I think all T entities (death station, decoy, etc.) should give DNA for a consequence for using them and an actual reward for finding them.
  2. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    I disagree with giving radio and decoy DNA, but Death stations probably should. currently, they give DNA on whoever uses the death station (works for health stations too), not who places it.
  3. It should be the other way around, it gives DNA for who places, not uses it
  4. Alpha Wolfy

    Alpha Wolfy Nocturnal VIP

    The death station one sounds like a good idea considering only ts use it. +1 for only the death station idea even though someone would ultimately blow it up before the d gets dna.
  5. Sam

    Sam VIP

    Traitor weapons such as the mp7 should logically have dna on it.
  6. Firedraft

    Firedraft VIP

    They do give DNA
  7. Sam

    Sam VIP

    Do they? I thought it was only the c4 that did.
  8. Firedraft

    Firedraft VIP

    Im pretty sure they do.
  9. Jesus Carlos

    Jesus Carlos Regular Member

    pretty sure they dont fire
  10. Firedraft

    Firedraft VIP

    Hmmm maybe i'm wrong, ill have to test it.
  11. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    All weapons give DNA. Even non-traitor weapons.
  12. Turquoise

    Turquoise Princess of Vanilla VIP

    As far as I remember, weapons such as Knives, and possibly flare guns, don't give DNA if they're dropped.
  13. Firedraft

    Firedraft VIP

    Knife does im pretty sure
  14. Weapons do give DNA, I'm more talking about entities (such as plantable objects) such as the Death Station, Trip Mines, and Decoys.
  15. NeverEnding

    NeverEnding It's Never going to end. Trust me on this. VIP

    I think i partly understand what is fritos trying to say, sometime when i defused c4, I went to pick up DNA from the item but they show no DNA was found.

    Here's the list of Traitor item with and without DNA
    Tripmine (Have DNA on them)
    Decoy (Does not have DNA on them)
    Death Station (Have DNA on them)
    C4 (Have DNA on them)
    MP7 (Have DNA on them)
    Dragunov SVU (Have DNA on them)
    Radio (Does not have DNA on them)
    Flare Guns (Have DNA on them)

    Let me know if i missed out any.
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2014
  16. Missed harpoons don't have DNA
  17. You have to pay 40k points for death stations to heal T's. So unless everyone here has 40k points, I don't think the death station idea would work with all players.
  18. The idea is that whenever a player deploys a death station, whether they heal or not, it gives their DNA.
  19. Thorn

    Thorn A Thorn in your side. VIP

    Trip mines do in fact give DNA
  20. Doomblade3890

    Doomblade3890 Supporter

    I didn't know you could get DNA off of the traitor guns, but even if you couldn't I'd still say -1.
    It's pretty easy to counter a death station:

    1) Ask detectives if they placed a HP station at <location of suspected death station>. If they say no, don't use it, and then shoot it to destroy it.
    2) Give it a few shots. HP stations have more HP than death stations. Six or seven shots should be enough to detonate a death station. If it doesn't go off after that, then it's probably a legit health station.