Alright, total I have 5 Dildo Slayer Skins Its not easy to get when theres like 23794823 people huddled up around them Plus, some of the Riot peeps make it difficult (Lore, Secret Passives, etc) Some make it easy (Whos your fav champ? Here you go.) Ill try to get at least 5 more between Saturday (Today) and Sunday.
You are incredibly generous, thinking about those who can't attend. I would love to get a Riot Ward, but Mantheon would be great too. Thanks Toxin!
Hey! I'm actually from EUW and I've been looking for a Riot ward skin since forever, would be sweet if you could post one code here
Holy.. A lot of people lol Ill try to get 5 more, I couldn't get any today since I actually went to events and stayed in them Though, no promises.
Uh, Chii, if you don't own the champion for the skin code, when you use the skin code you get both the skin and the champion lol Edit: I responded to the wrong comment, sorry lol