Hello members of sttt, today I will be making a lotto pool for the 4th of July. You might ask why double's lotto pool well. We have the luck of @HAWTjanitor1 not @Books We have over 1954 tickets in I will pay you double what you put in We are too op (since we all got payed out by @Soulja Boy Tell Em ) So far we have 2242 tickets in. -Doublerainbow 36k -Sam 35k (70k) -Super unhappy face 25k (50k) -Smokepaprika 24.5k (49k) -Jesus carlos 22.9k (45.8k) -Souljaboytellem 20k (40k) -Urisk2 20k (40k) -ThatBox 10k (20k) -Benny 10k (20k) -Demonic 4.3k (8.6k) -echo 3.8k (7.6k) -Tequila 3k (6k) -Skyrossom 3k (6k) -Spunky 3k (6k) -Neverending 1k (2k) -Fritos 500 points (1k) I'll be on east 2 if you want to add points! (I will double whatever you put in btw at the least since i'm double :3) Welp we are officaly a bigger failure than book's pool. ;_;