Rejected Limiting Lottery Winnings

Discussion in 'TTT Suggestions' started by Taco_Rocket, Jun 19, 2014.

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  1. Taco_Rocket

    Taco_Rocket G-G-G-Godmin VIP

    I did a quick search on the forum to see if this has been suggested before but I could not find anything.

    I think there should be a limit to how many times you can win the lottery in a set period. The reason I suggest this because I believe it discourages other players if someone has won multiple times in a row. It doesn't seem fair in a lottery is someone has the purchasing power to put 500 tickets+ because the day prior. I'm not saying that a winner should not be able to be in the lottery but maybe a week delay? They could also still participate by pooling with someone else.

    This is just an idea to make the lottery somewhat a little fairer. I would like to see some other people's comment on what you guys think and ultimately see if we can come to a compromise.
  2. This has already been talked about. Lottery winners are free to do what they will with their points.
  3. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

  4. MetallicPie

    MetallicPie Regular Member

    what you are saying doesn't make sense, if someone buys 500 tickets they are risking 50k to win, but there is also a chance that he will loose his points, so it is a fair system, the higher ur risk, the higher the possible reward.
  5. Oe-

    Oe- VIP

    Do people not realize the lottery is similar to lotteries in real life? Rich people buy thousands of tickets all the time. The only reason our lottery seems unfair is because we have unlimited money and fewer people that participate. We already have a few suggestions in where you get an achievement or bonus points for signing in that day. Why not have something like every player who signs in automatically gets their first ticket for free. This will lessen the chance of repeat winners and maybe even increase our player base. The lottery already has a system in place where unclaimed prizes are thrown back into the pot after 2 weeks so even if a guy wins and never comes back it won't matter.
  6. Taco_Rocket

    Taco_Rocket G-G-G-Godmin VIP

    However the difference between real life and in game lottery is stark. In real life, trying to count the variables that factor in a lottery are astounding. In game it's a little different. Points are accumulated at a fixed rate per hour (which I think are at 10 per 2 mins?). Which means that on a given hour there's 300 points to be made. Life differs because that rate could be variably changed depending on your income and addictive personality to gambling (two of the many variable to point out). When someone wins the lottery in game you now have a pot that tears away from the fixed rate. By betting more and more on the next coming lotteries you can have a safety of the fixed rate. Which will allow for more risk to keep playing because you're essentially betting on "borrowed money." With this mentality whether you place 500+ tickets in a day it might have to be a gamble but you're bet that will place you're essentially bullying the market of the in game lottery by pushing other people's chances down to oblivion. There's no way for people on the fixed rate (and no wins) to pull ahead in a bear market. That's where my pessimism lies.
  7. Rasta

    Rasta kektop VIP

    -1 Its already perfectly fair.
  8. DeathShot

    DeathShot VIP

    when the lottery was originally implemented I had invested 30k into one pot and won it. The next day I invested 80k and won it again. At the end I had a little over 320k saved up, and everyone knew I could theoretically "rig" the lottery every day if I wanted to. It became a topic of discussion, but even though my odds of winning seem enormous, its still only a probability of winning. The odds could be 99:1 but I could still lose it all. Because it will always be a matter of probability, you cant put a limit on something that may seem unfair because that person is gambling for a positive favor.
  9. Taco_Rocket

    Taco_Rocket G-G-G-Godmin VIP

    Note I'm not calling for a ban or anything for the winner. Just a stay of leave for a couple of days. Fairness and equality are subjective terms and I don't think they should be the point of your argument. The fact is you make a bear market lottery by being able to bully a system that favors people who have been previous winners. Especially when you have all the upgrades and skins, what else are you going to buy than 20 point guns? (Which let's be honest a lot of us have them in our loadout already).

    We can do 3, 5, or 7 day stays. Anything beyond that I disagree with. I recommend either 3 or 5. Probability can always be skewed and that's what would make it essentialy "fair" or "unfair". This lottery isn't random either. It's pesudo-random. It's not like the real life equivalent even though we always hope it comes close.
  10. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

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