Harassment Report Section

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by spunkyblunt, Jun 11, 2014.

  1. spunkyblunt

    spunkyblunt New Member

    I only have 41 1/2 hours of play time on these servers but the biggest problem i see so far is no rdm but just plain out toxicity. I constantly see players just harass others to the point of having to leave and when a mod is contacted they dont do anything.

    ---story time---
    For example today, player A (who will remain anon since this isnt the forum for it) was being viscious towards another player B. B just wanted to know how to whisper and A just insulted him constantly. When B tried to file a report, nothing happened. B even tried to contact the mod (who was Thorn at the time) and he didnt even respond. When A saw the report he said "grow a pair of balls pussy" which once again received no response from the mod. He continued to abuse this poor player B and went on to harass others for the next few hours. This is a common thing that happens way too much from what i have experienced which is exactly why there needs to be a report for such.
    ---end of story time---

    As of right now, the only actions that receive punishment is mic spam or rdming. I feel like being harassed should be a part of those two reasons to make servers a more pleasant place. So please consider putting a harassment option for reports.
  2. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    If a player is harassing you, message the staff online with the @ option and they will be punished accordingly. If you want to report it on the forums, there is a report section already.
  3. spunkyblunt

    spunkyblunt New Member

    there should be an option ingame though. otheriwse youre forcing a player to have to go on the forums and make things a lot more complicated
  4. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Your option is messaging the staff in game. It's that simple.
  5. Serious Lawyerbot

    Serious Lawyerbot Supporter

    Generally just saying in adminchat @hey ____ is harrassing me please tell him to quit. SIMPLE. AS. THAT. Public chat is filled with smoke so it be hard to see
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  6. spunkyblunt

    spunkyblunt New Member

    With the constant voice and text chatting going on that would be too easily lost in the confusion. Or just ignored like what happened today. Also not to mention like what happened today if that person doesnt know how to whisper everyone will just blatantly ignore that person asking to know how or be harassed even further. Which like i said would be a lot easier if it could be a reportable option

    EDIT: i agree with alex but the problem is that youre once again forcing a player to make an account. i just feel like there should be a better ingame option thats all
  7. Serious Lawyerbot

    Serious Lawyerbot Supporter

    Dude. Screenshot it. and i mean IN GAME YOU TYPE @HEY BLAH BLAH BLAH IS HARRASSING ME! You don't even have to report. The @ is adminchat.
  8. Serious Lawyerbot

    Serious Lawyerbot Supporter

    And lets say you REALLY dont wanna make an account if you are a new person. Well. Figure out steam. That might work. And even if they had these problems they would figure it out. You dont have that problem cause obviously you are using an account.
  9. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Yeah, if you type a message to the admins with @ it won't be lost. It's bright green and bold for them.
  10. Tom Hanks

    Tom Hanks Active Member

    Just make sure its reported or else they get away with it and most likely, they'll do it again later on. Just can't get let it go on unreported.