Rejected RDM Rules For Traitors

Discussion in 'Rules and Protocol' started by MR. NoBleDunce, Jun 10, 2014.

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  1. Its becoming a Pain in the ass that RDM protects the traitors (at the near end of the game when atleast 3 people left standing) im going to explain what got me banned 3 times on other servers and somtimes on this
    i was on servernetwork on Minecraft_v4 and then ithere was 3 people were alive and one of them was the traitor. so i went into hiding im innocent by the way then the T walks in (Reminder RDM protects the Traitor) he turns around to me and i shot him and The Innocents won Yay! but oh wait... i "someone will slay Caboose for 2 rounds' What the hell!? then i have the admin tell me that i RDM The Traitor (The admin was the traitor) and so i got pissed at him because it was either me or him who was going to die and i know i was innocent I Propose that RDM on T's are only in effect when either 3 people or left standing or when overtime is near end. -Thank you
    • Dumb Dumb x 2
  2. NeverEnding

    NeverEnding It's Never going to end. Trust me on this. VIP

    First of all, what's all this rdm rule for traitor all about, if you know he's the last traitor but you have insufficient proof, you shouldn't do the first shot, wait for him to shoot you or do something traitorous, then you have the permission to kill him.
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  3. so if a T walks into a room with you with a shotgun one you could kill him (rdm) 2 you can get killed
  4. And if it was a T i shouldnt be slayed two rounds if it was a inno i understand
  5. The Seventh

    The Seventh Bloom. VIP

    Why does their role matter? Your intent was the same. You had no proof to kill the person so therefore it is RDM.

    If you go out on the street and shoot the first person you see, you won't be acquitted of the crime simply if the guy turned out to be someone who had robbed a bank. It is still murder and your intent was to shoot the first person you saw, an illegal act.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Ok so if Someone is in your personally space with a weapon who has blood on his hands yet Since RDM protects the traitor he has to make the first move and your more likly to die so i hope everyone can suck this up because people have no right to kill traitors unless they shoot you first
  7. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    This is a game, not real life.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. explain that to The seventh im only suggesting RDM should be allowed when near end of over time or 3 people standing
  9. The Seventh

    The Seventh Bloom. VIP

    Do you know he is a traitor? This is a game where practically everyone has a gun and walks past each other all the time. If you shot everyone who walked in a room with you, 90% of everyone's time would be spent dead. The traitors are already outnumbered and the entire point is to kill everyone else. If you're afraid of being killed, your best bet is to learn a gun and get better with it so you'll be able to come out on top in gunfights.

    You're suggesting that we should be able to kill someone with no proof whatsoever and potentially ruin someone's round because you are suspicious of them. You can't simply assume they will kill you, they could easily be just as suspicious of you and making sure you aren't killing someone else.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Zikeji

    Zikeji Repoleved VIP Emerald

    This statement is all we need to hear.

    If you EVER second guess yourself and say "If it was an inno, slay me" it'll be RDM regardless of their role. You may not kill on suspicion. You must have evidence they are a traitor.

    If you think they're going to shoot you, move. One of the better defenses is to always move.
  11. shadowdragoon66

    shadowdragoon66 hic sunt draconis VIP

    The only thing you can really do is wait for concrete proof that someone is a T. I have played long enough that I have discovered that some people have certain mannerisms when they are Ts and that you can usually use it to tell that someone is a T. Even then you have to wait until they do something traitorous before you can fire on them.
  12. NeverEnding

    NeverEnding It's Never going to end. Trust me on this. VIP

    Otherwise, it would be considered as Rdm, since u killed him on suspicion. on this server, the motd stated clearly about the rule, i know this is a protest to change the rule, but i'm just going to say that your chance of this getting a success would be 0%
    • Like Like x 1
  13. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    While logical deduction is allowed, what you did was still killing on suspicion because the other players were not proven and weren't committing any traitorous acts. Because of that, you can only keep suspicion on everyone, but not kill them for your gut feeling. If you choose to kill them for your gut feelings and no other reason, then it's RDM. Nothing else left to it.

    What you did was kill on suspicion so that's why you would be slain. The only way you would be slain for 2 rounds is if you committed more than one act of RDM (which isn't that hard). So there we go. You have had a lot of the staff explain to you why your actions were unreasonable and I think it's good to lock this topic up nice and tight.

    Your suggestion to allow for RDM when there would be 3 people is completely unreasonable. RDM is not tolerated on these servers at all and just suggesting that thought would cause a LOT of arguments and fights. Something that is unnecessary on the Serious TTT Servers and should never be allowed.
  14. Doomblade3890

    Doomblade3890 Supporter

    OK I remember this one feature that was on another server where a message would appear in the chatbox saying "<insert-inno-name-here> is the last innocent with X traitors" or something like that whenever there was one inno left. That would probably be a feature that would satisfy your RDM desires the most, but I think I brought it up before and it wasn't accepted. I also had to agree against it, because this and your RDM idea would make their stealth kills utterly useless. They would spend the round hiding their tracks so nobody would know who is the traitor, then the RDM rule/chatbox announcement comes in and renders all of that hard work meaningless.

    If you're the last inno, just keep moving and don't get yourself cornered in a confined area. Strafe around, jump, do anything so that if they shoot at you they'll miss and then you can counter with your own attack. Granted, I do have another idea in mind but it would be a dick move to do so I'm not gonna talk about it...
  15. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    I think an admin can go ahead and lock this due to the fact that RDM isn't allowed and it has been explained time and time again.
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