
Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Brelm, May 31, 2014.

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  1. xTimmonZ

    xTimmonZ If I'm a traitor, you're a victim. VIP

    I'll change it to 8 hours. Thank you. Also @DeathShot and @Noble Six were there when this occurred and can testify that I was extremely reasonable with the situation.
  2. Brelm

    Brelm Member

    Thank you for your input Sinz. Unfortunately my name does not fall under either of those two categories (Troll / Impersonation) as it is a reference to a song, and I am not impersonating anyone (except the real faggot bruce, but then you'll have to ban Tom Hanks too)

    I'd also like to say that anything you do not agree with does not immediately fall under the category of trolling, such a thought is absurd.

    Edit - There is nothing reasonable about demanding I change my name (In the middle of the round, for no reason) or face a ban.
  3. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Just because it's a song doesn't make it okay. It's an offensive, trollish name, which you were requested to have changed by a staff member.

    There are thousands if offensive songs out there, which if someone changed their name to one their titles, they would be requested to change their mane just as you were.
  4. xTimmonZ

    xTimmonZ If I'm a traitor, you're a victim. VIP

    I did not demand that you leave mid-round or face a ban. I asked you politely to change it (during mid-round) and told you that you could do it at the end of the round (i.e. when you died) I told you that you did RDM and would be banned if you did not rejoin. When I had died and realized you were talking in spectator-chat about your name not being against any rules, I warned you a second time. You still did not leave, so I took action and kicked you - requesting your name to be changed.
  5. Brelm

    Brelm Member

    Thank you for your input, MangoTango.

    Unfortunately just because you disagree with something does not make it trollish. My intention was purely for humor and meant no ill-will towards anyone.
  6. DeathShot

    DeathShot VIP

    I was there and you were given 2 warnings. When you are kicked it will say you were kicked and the reason why, not just a disconnect. There are multiple staff that are telling you the same thing, so I don't know why youre having such a problem changing your name back to Brelm. the term "faggot" makes me uncomfortable, so I agree with this 100%. I have been wondering when someone was going to pin you for this. I think you are using the song logistic as a cover up so you wouldn't have to obey a simple rule. If anything you should have the courtesy to do such. TimmonZ was very fair in discussing with you that you needed to change your name and gave you warnings when you refused to do so, taking larger disciplinary action when you didn't get the message.
  7. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Well, not everyone has that sense of humor toward offensive things. For future reference, if a staff bee asks you to change your name, please do so.
  8. Brelm

    Brelm Member

    Thank you for your input DeathShot.

    ""you wouldn't have to obey a simple rule.""

    A small error, it is not a rule anywhere, I have checked the rules several times over.

    I would also like to point out once again that nowhere in the rules does it say I have to follow whatever a moderator says if I'm not breaking any rules, unless that is also another "unwritten rule".

    MangoTango, while it's unfortunate that not everyone has a sense of humor, that is not my problem.
  9. Noble Six

    Noble Six VIP

    He warned you 2 times!! If a staff member tells you to change your name.. just do it, because they know some players on the server may be offended.
    Faggot: often shortened to fag, is a pejorative term used chiefly in North America primarily to refer to a gay man.
    I dont think thats funny for everyone. :I
  10. Brelm

    Brelm Member

    That is unfortunate Noble Six but please keep your feelings and opinions out of this as that is not what we are discussing.

    I'd like to suggest you take another look over the rules as there is no rule that says:
    1) I cannot have my name
    2) I must follow a moderator's direction even when not breaking the rules.
  11. Thorn

    Thorn A Thorn in your side. VIP

    Brelm, if any players in game find that your name is offensive and bring it to the staff memebers attention, and than the staff member asks that you change it for valid reasons, just change your name. It is that simple man. Now since this is a Report against Timmonz for being abusive, This report is found to be INVALID and as such will be locked.
    Last edited: May 31, 2014
  12. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    Brelm, please understand that your name could insult another player and impact that player's experience in a negative manner. That's why Timmonz asked you to change your name to avoid any possible issue and to keep the servers as fun as possible. If you were asked to change your name twice and you refused to do it, then that's your own fault. Timmonz appeared to have asked you calmly and you chose to threaten to report him. A former admin as well as a current admin told you that if you were asked by a staff member to change your name twice, then you should have changed it. After all, changing your name isn't hard at all. It's really easy and is a small compromise to make. HOWEVER, you keep on using the excuse that it's not written in the rules to try and justify your actions. That's what got you the ban to begin with.

    Timmonz's admin, @Krys, will respond to this.
  13. Krys

    Krys Gives Explosive Hugs VIP

    Not everyone gets the reference, I certainly didn't. For all I know there could have been a player named Bruce playing before I got on and you changed your name to Faggot Bruce to offend him. Many other players have done similar things before.

    The MOTD is rules in basic form as we can only fit so much. The forum and especially staff sections is where we internally discuss the rules as a whole. However, while you are playing live on the servers you need to follow along with a staff member's request (as long as the request doesn't cause you to break the rules ofc). By arguing and purposely rejoining after being warned several times, you've earned that ban. You could have easily joined any of our other servers instead.

    I will say this Brelm, and it may be considered a warning. STTT as a community doesn't like it when players try to find loopholes in the rules to get other players or staff in trouble. Next time please just change your name to something appropriate while playing on our servers and change it back when you leave.
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