
Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Brelm, May 30, 2014.

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  1. Brelm

    Brelm Member

    Name of Staff/Player: teadawg1337

    SteamID of Staff/Player: I don't know

    Server: (Which server did this occur on? West, East) East

    Time of Occurrence: (Make sure you include your timezone and map with round number if necessary) about 1:00 PM

    Reason For Report: (What did he/she do?) Hard to explain, It started when I killed him by accident (I thought he shot someone else) so he slayed me. No problem. Next round I said something racist and he muted me, no problem. The problem is that for the next map, other players were harassing / constantly calling false KoS every round, and when I brought this up to him, he did absolutely nothing and did not enforce any of the rules on anyone but me. Eventually someone reported me for killing him (Even though I was the traitor) and he slayed me, despite me telling him that I was the traitor. When I asked why he slayed me he never responded and just went afk, until about 10 minutes later he came back and banned me out of nowhere for 6 days.

    Essentially, he was letting people call me a faggot, call false KOS, and RDM me without punishing them, and then started muting and eventually banned me when I responded.

    Evidence And/Or Witnesses: Bobasawr (another moderator)
  2. Gonz

    Gonz Chill... VIP

  3. teadawg1337

    teadawg1337 SUPERNATURAL is love, SUPERNATURAL is life VIP

    Hello, Brelm. You were banned for causing a disruption on the server. You were muted multiple times for harassment, and you should have been banned far sooner. However, I'm still getting used to the punishment system. At one point, I muted you and forgot to unmute you. When I did unmute you, you proceeded to call me retarded. Also, the reason I slayed you was because you killed a traitor when you blew up the room outside the T room on 67th way. Your response to the report? "I was a Traitor." I PM'ed you the reason why I slayed you, RIGHT AFTER I SLAYED YOU!!!!!!! Here, I'll even show you:
    You will slay Brelm next round.
    You are playing Trouble in Terrorist Town, version 2014-03-09.
    1 player(s) bought traitor this round.
    Hom Tanks and Brelm were slain.
    You to Brelm: You were slain for activating a T trap without warning your T buddies, resulting in the death of a fellow T.
    willwarfair: i like this map
    *DEAD* (TEAM) Hom Tanks: ]
    Lemongrab (STEAM_0:1:31893908) has left the server.
    Hom Tanks to admins: nigerians
    TacticHell: I'm with Kildarwill.
    Techno-WubStep-DubStep&Beatdrop: Brelm did do something
    (TEAM) bobasawr: !motd
    Techno-WubStep-DubStep&Beatdrop: hes being a racist fuck
    TacticHell: I'm with .::G4F::. Sushi.
    TacticHell: I'm with .::G4F::. Sushi.
    the shooter: racist
    .::G4F::. Sushi called a Detective to the body of Vrayer!
    Terrorists muted.
    willwarfair: what
    (TEAM) teadawg1337: !gag Caleb
    You gagged Caleb
    Admiral Nugget: yeah
    *DEAD* (TEAM) Brelm: Teadawg
    Admiral Nugget: glitched
    *DEAD* (TEAM) Brelm: How about you stop power abusing you cunt
    Even after I did what I was supposed to, you kept on giving me crap about it. While I'm looking at the chat logs, I can see that only one person called you a faggot. I was AFK at the time, so there was nothing I could do. I also never saw anyone call a false KOS on you, or RDM you. I'm still getting used to being a mod, and having someone constantly bark at me for not doing my job, even though I actually am, doesn't make it any easier.

    Chat logs that I could find: http://pastebin.com/HeCirD55
  4. Brelm

    Brelm Member

    I actually didn't see you say that I killed a traitor, that was my bad.

    Maybe if you weren't busy jacking yourself off to how badass you think you are, you would have heard people calling me a faggot / planning to rdm / calling false KOS on me, they were doing it on their mics. And it was going on FOR THE ENTIRE MAP. No, I don't believe you were afk, I knew you were there while this shit was going on, you just decided to do nothing about it because you're a spiteful piece of shit. There would have been no disruption if you weren't selectively enforcing rules on people (namely, me and no one else).

    You also had no reason to ban me when you did.
  5. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    You were banned for Persistent RDM and Harassment. Judging by the way you were treating our new moderator Brelm, it seems appropriate enough for a harassment ban alone. Keep up the way you're acting here Brelm, and you might face a forum ban as well (I won't do it, but the higher ups can. Just a little warning).

    However @teadawg1337, can you show logs of why he was banned for the RDM portion? It would really help.

    In the future though, you should also follow the procedures of harassment (warning>kick>1 day ban>5 day ban).
    Last edited: May 30, 2014
  6. teadawg1337

    teadawg1337 SUPERNATURAL is love, SUPERNATURAL is life VIP

    I'm in the process of doing so right now.
  7. bobasawr

    bobasawr In the name of the moon, I'll punish you VIP

    Dear Brelm:
    I joined the server in the middle of harassments being thrown at players left and right. I did notice your racist comments as well as others. Rules were enforced upon other people besides yourself who repeatedly spammed or retaliated with harassment. Do not feel personally attacked, we are not out to get you, others have also been punished similarly and accordingly. I also placed a global warning for people to review our rules in !motd.
    As for your RDMs I do have report saved about killing your fellow T buddy. Logs did show you had killed him and there was no warning. Teadawg1337 will provide the damage logs.
  8. Brelm

    Brelm Member

    Your new moderator is a fucking degenerate shit eater that probably masturbates to the thought of banning people because he thinks he's judge dredd, why shouldn't he be called out on being the piece of shit he is?

    Here's another thing, from the chat logs that he posted himself:
    *DEAD* (TEAM) Bear♚: yo brelm wanna explain why youre a faggot

    Which he never did anything about, including the multiple people saying it on mic, in addition to KOSing me for no reason (And even saying they were going to do it before the round even started)

    But let me guess, you were afk the entire round, right? Never heard any of it?

    bobasawr, if you were there and witnessed it then surely you heard several people on mic insulting and harassing me while falsely calling KOS?

    But let me guess, you were afk too, right? Didn't see or hear anything?
    Last edited: May 30, 2014
  9. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    Even if all of that happened, that doesn't mean that you take out your rage on Teadawg man. You can't decide to suddenly call him a "degenerate shit" just because YOU feel that he isn't doing anything. Either way, I'm going to let his admin @Thorn explain this concept as well. Have a good day.
  10. Brelm

    Brelm Member

    "just because YOU feel that he isn't doing anything"

    I didn't feel like that at all, I know it was happening, it was happening for 30 minutes and he was doing nothing. The logs he just posted even prove that someone called me a faggot and he did nothing. He was selectively enforcing the rules (only on me) because I accidentally killed him once. I will take my rage out on him, because he's a worthless shithead.
  11. bobasawr

    bobasawr In the name of the moon, I'll punish you VIP

    I don't think anyone on our staff team is low and immature enough to base decisions just because "he accidentally killed him once". Everyone on STTT's staff is mature and well-balanced enough to make decisions in the server's best interest. Teadawg may have enforced rules to you more often than other players because you may have been one of the first to start the harassment wars among the players. Based on chat logs shown in this thread and witnessing in game, it does seem like majority of players did not appreciate your racist comments and are speaking their (yes, rude) opinions back. I would just suggest if you wish to troll and cause a disturbance, do not be surprised that other players will retaliate.
  12. teadawg1337

    teadawg1337 SUPERNATURAL is love, SUPERNATURAL is life VIP

    Ripping me a new one in your report against me isn't helping your side of the case one bit, buddy.
    @Guilty-Crown Here are the logs you requested.
    2014-05-30_00006.jpg 2014-05-30_00007.jpg 2014-05-30_00008.jpg 2014-05-30_00009.jpg 2014-05-30_00011.jpg
  13. Brelm

    Brelm Member

    Except that, after his first mute for my racist comments, I did not say anything (racist) again and all subsequent mutes were due to me responding to others.

    I personally don't give a flying fuck what others say to me, the problem here is that teadawg was muting me whenever I said anything negative, but letting everyone else keep it up without punishing any of them, as if he was letting it happen so he'd have an excuse to ban me.
  14. Brelm

    Brelm Member

    Two of those images are the EXACT SAME THING, and one of them shows me killing an innocent...AS A TRAITOR.

    Nice justification for a ban, asshole.
  15. teadawg1337

    teadawg1337 SUPERNATURAL is love, SUPERNATURAL is life VIP

    I didn't post any duplicates, and the fifth image coincides with the picture that @bobasawr linked earlier in this topic.
  16. ChibiBear

    ChibiBear VIP

    I was on the server when this was going down and i can attest that brelm was indeed being harassed by multiple players(After he had let the N word slip) Then it got to the point when people were asking T's to call a kos on him just so he could be killed and not much was done about this although it did stop before he was banned
  17. teadawg1337

    teadawg1337 SUPERNATURAL is love, SUPERNATURAL is life VIP

    I don't see how this could be used against me if I was taking a restroom break at the time.
  18. Brelm

    Brelm Member

    Maybe because it was going on for the entire map and you never did anything, unless you were taking the biggest shit known to man-fucking-kind.

    Edit - Bob didn't do anything either for that matter, were both of you in the same bathroom? I can only assume jerking each other off.
  19. ChibiBear

    ChibiBear VIP

    No need to get defensive now i was only confirming what brelm had reported nothing more nothing less
  20. Darktooth

    Darktooth I was #1 VIP

    I'm not involved in this report. But I would like to add that unnecessary rude comments and negativity towards our staff is unneeded. You make these reports so that we can help you, not for you to tell us about the job we are doing. Please have some respect for the staff dealing with this report. Thanks.
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