I thought this would be a cool idea, smoke grenades that are a different color than just white. Heres a workshop link, I don't know if it works, cause it doesnt provide a screenshot, but here it is anyway: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=169328118&searchtext=colored smoke And here is another link that might be useful: http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=110089
I think that would be a lot of smoke nades, maybe if possible there could be 1 smoke grenade that has a random color when used? +.5
I think it's better if you can buy the color of the smoke that you want and stick to the default smoke nade. It will only change if you have an equipped smoke color.
@ChibiBear Just pointing out, End round music, Playermodels, and jihad sounds are all pointless, but we have them cause they make the game better.
This would be a cool addition to the pointshop. Select your color (Maybe for donators only?) and have at it!
Make the colored grenades a donator ability only. Non-donators can keep the regular smoke grenades, but the donators (Donator, VIP, & VIP+) get the ability to choose the color of the smoke. Do that and I'll +1 this in a heartbeat.