Multiple Reports

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by MrLooting, May 22, 2014.

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  1. MrLooting

    MrLooting New Member

    Name of Staff/Player: Grandma, Mak, Doka, YesyesNena

    SteamID of Staff/Player: Unknown *Might be able to pull from footage

    Server: East

    Map: Do not know names.

    Time of Occurrence: Around 11pm PST , 5/16/2014

    Reason For Report:
    Grandma: Shot me in the back for not getting tested. 0:00-0:40
    - This one I didn't actually see him shoot me but he slightly admits to it.
    Mak: Opened fire upon me 10 secs into the round. 0:41-0:55
    Doka: Assumed I shot at him with a Dragunov and killed me. 0:56-1-:48
    - Did fire in his direction, was towards the bottom part of the building and had to go through the window, but he says he is shooting at the person with a Dragunov which means he would of saw my weapon which was not a Dragunov.
    Yesyesnena: Looked at the report and claimed someone else did. 1:49-3:32
    - Not sure why I would get that as a response.

    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    Video times abovc:
  2. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

  3. fateburn

    fateburn 自分のためが VIP

    Hello Mr Looting ,

    First, thanks for reporting in here so that we can handle the rdmer and helped making this community better and better , back to topic.
    Since that's 8 days ago and I can hardly remember what really happened on that day, but here's the logs i found.
    Dako did shot you with no reason and that's RDM , He will be slain in game at east server afterward.
    About why I said someone dealt with the reports.As you can see in the video , I was going to hop on the other server , during that time usually have few staff online and we have to switch to different server to handle the reports , so I guess this is what happened.
    After I read your report I get called to another server to handle the reports and then I forgot that I was in East before , so I said "some other mod had dealt with your report already " and that is my fault.

    Thank you for taking time to make that video to tell me I have missed some rdmer and they didn't get their punishment at that time , for other reported people , they have been dealt with accordingly , I hope you can understand my bad explanation and I wish you have a good day .

    Best regards ,
  4. MrLooting

    MrLooting New Member

    Alright, all good. Thanks.
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