Enable the spectator deathmatch! Make it so where in the motd it says any punished people are not alowed to join spec dm. If so another punishment will be issued. Reasons for me suggesting this: Often times someone at the start of the round kills me and im bored for 7 min. ENABLE!!!!! Agree to vote for it!
As much as i like this it has been suggested so many times and was denied so i don't think that they will add it
This has already been suggested and has been turned down many times. http://www.seriousttt.com/threads/ghost-deathmatch.6056/ http://www.seriousttt.com/threads/spectator-dm.5793/#post-52360 http://www.seriousttt.com/threads/spectator-deathmatch-suggestion.7817/#post-64965
While yes this mode may be fun for when you're dead, it causes way too many issues for it to be worth it...