C4 In the Traitor Room.

Discussion in 'Rules and Protocol' started by My Name is Alex, May 12, 2014.


Should C4 be allowed to be planted in the traitor room?

  1. Yes, It's totally legit!

  2. No, That's super unfair!

  1. I have seen this becoming increasingly popular, especailly on 67th. I know that there is no way to inforce this rule. However I feel that it shouldn't be allowed. It makes it almost impossible to defuse it, and I just feel like it shouldn't be allowed. Just my opinion, but I feel like it should be a rule.
    • Dumb Dumb x 1
  2. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    Or you could turn up your sound and stay away from the T room....is this really what suggestions has come to?
    • Agree Agree x 3
  3. Patrick

    Patrick Ex-Deathrun Administrator VIP Silver

    Traitors specifically place the C4 in the traitor room, to avoid it being defused. The traitors don't care if its hard to defuse, they don't want you to defuse it, they want you to die by it.
  4. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    oops i misunderstood the question poll. I'm against this suggestion.
  5. Aboose!

    Aboose! Floral shirts, Dads and sleeveless sweaters are IN VIP

    c4 in the T room in 67th way has always been a big thing, on every TTT server ever
  6. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    Dude, you're free to plant C4 anywhere you want. Suggesting that you're not allowed to plant it in a traitor room is completely ridiculous. Because what happens if the C4 goes off and kills traitor buddies? We already have a rule that says that we don't slay for C4 kills against traitor buddies. If we suddenly put a rule like no planting C4 in the Traitor room, then we would be going against one of the rules.

    I'm completely against this suggestion as well. At least make a logical suggestion and not some suggestion based on something that is VERY EASY TO AVOID.
  7. Well I see the point behind that now, my apologies guys, I see this was rather a waste of a post lol. I used to play on a server where they played by that rule, so that was why I bothered to post. This makes sense now, I don't know why I didn't see it that way before. Forget I said anything lol.
  8. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    Just remember every server has different rules. ;)
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Salisian

    Salisian An unbroken series of successful gestures VIP

    Eventually, you learn the spots that are exactly 801 distance from the places where a C4 could possibly be planted in traitor rooms. In 67thway, that spot is in the back corner by the tester, or halfway up the ladder. In bowling, it's down the hall by the first door. etc. If people were smart about heeding the "there's c4 in the x" warning, those sorts of placements would never get any kills.
  10. shadowdragoon66

    shadowdragoon66 hic sunt draconis VIP

    I actually have a different spot for c4 on 67th way that works halfway decently and no one has discovered it just yet(not saying where either) :p
  11. Killamarshall

    Killamarshall Hmm... interesting.. Smite anyone?? VIP

    I know it but i won't spill and i can't because my computer isn't working sooooo... Yea...
  12. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    It already stopped working?
  13. Killamarshall

    Killamarshall Hmm... interesting.. Smite anyone?? VIP

    Yea it is some BS. I had to re arrange rooms and i moved my computer LITERALLY 8 feet and now my moniter won't receive signal
  14. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    Welp, that definitely sucks. Have you tried using a new monitor?
  15. Killamarshall

    Killamarshall Hmm... interesting.. Smite anyone?? VIP

    Don't have one to test
  16. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Is this about C4 in the traitor room or could it be moved to a PM or new topic?