Gaming Setup Appreciation.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by The Muffinman, Nov 4, 2020.

  1. The Muffinman

    The Muffinman Venting to kill Vlad VIP Silver

  2. Coinston

    Coinston "But what if Robots" - Chris Wedge VIP

    bruh I have a messy plywood desk with a laptop and chair I found on the side of the road what benefit do you get out of spending thousands of dollars on that god damn
  3. The Muffinman

    The Muffinman Venting to kill Vlad VIP Silver

    Thousands on what ? The whole set up?
  4. Coinston

    Coinston "But what if Robots" - Chris Wedge VIP

    I'd imagine the PC, 3 monitors, those headphones, and the whole keyboard mouse/pad is quite a bit
  5. The Muffinman

    The Muffinman Venting to kill Vlad VIP Silver

    computer is on loan from my brother untill I get my new one built, all 3 monitors together are maybe 500 and one on the left is brothers, M&K was about 200, desk 250, headphones and chair were gifts and chair was 450 and headphones were 120. All in all I have only spent like 800 of my own money and I have been getting to this point over 2 years. It all didn't just fall into place over night, shit takes time and effort. It also helps to have people in your life that want to see you happy and succeed and will help get you there.
  6. najuadecisions

    najuadecisions New Member

    Your gaming space looks cool, but you need more space because putting even a mug of tea on your table would be hard.
  7. najuadecisions

    najuadecisions New Member

    I like that you have multiple monitors, I used to want that too, but I realized I don't need it. I play games pretty rarely and use the computer only for work. Recently I bought an amazing Eureka Ergonomic desk because it is the best desk for work. I especially like that it is easy to adjust the desk's height, and I can work standing up.
    • Informative Informative x 2
  8. Titan

    Titan SGM's official music nerd Administrator VIP Bronze


  9. Pokeben10

    Pokeben10 tell me pretty lies Moderator VIP Silver