I recently started playing Gmod again, and I started using some launch options that I found on youtube, but ever since after that, I can not hear music from maps, nor see any sprays placed by me or other people. I was wondering if any of these options are the cause of these errors. I know this community is fading away, but I could not find any answer online and I was hoping somebody here could help me out These are my launch options: -exec auto exec.cfg -console -high -USEALLAVAILABLECORES -nojoy -processheap -novid -useforcedmparms -noforcemaccel -noforcemspd +cl_cmdrate 100 +myinfo_bytes 2000 +cl_updaterate 101 +rate 30000 +r_hu And these are my options in autoexec: gmod_mcore_test 1 mat_queue_mode -1 cl_threaded_bone_setup 1 mat_bloom_scalefactor_scalar 0 mat_bloomscale 0 Thanks
Delete everything from your launch options. None of that is needed. autoexec.cfg runs on startup regardless of your startup options
I can't approve messages, so here ya go. If this solved your problem, just respond to the thread letting me know, and I will lock the thread.