I have had ENOUGH with these rich bastards controlling the lottery to their whims. Spoiler: Manipulation The 1% puts all their points into the lottery and then split the benefits amongst themselves. It's a conspiracy designed to make the rich richer. Something must be done! There is no way any person could make this amount of points honestly. The lottery is tainted with these leeches, sucking off us common folk. I did NOT sign up to play Capitalism Simulator
@Marshal Zuijj @-Vader- ayo look at this baby whine and cry about virtual points that isn't worth anything
I am whining about it. i spent a total of one ticket on that lottery. that is my whole lifetime savings. it was not worth it.
I don't know why you can add tickets any time you want now. The last 30 minute grace period was good, but now that's gone, it's so easy to snipe lotteries. I lost too many points due to lottery sniping. I agree, everyone who has above 150k points needs to be banned from the lottery. I hope you guys know, all 3 of you will lose all your points one day, the world will rejoice when that day happens. If A$$Ch33ks can fall one day, you can too. (send me 100k lols)
Ngl, I think there should be a lottery ticket purchase cap. That, or at least two separate lotteries, one for high-rollers with dat big bux points and one for us poor plebs. I haven't entered the lottery in months because the majority of the time I already see someone has bought 300+ tickets and I'm just not interested in those odds. Would be kind of cool though to have two systems or a cap on ticket purchases.