@[MZK]Lightning While the rest of them figure out how to tag you, Ill put my words in here. While it was a rough road, you pushed through and persevered. Nobody else could have endured that trial phase. You fought hard. Dont be a stranger dude. You are fun to talk to and play with. Hopefully this isnt the last time we see you cyan. Best of luck, brother
@[MZK]Lightning You were a great mod and an amazing friend, I hope that you still stick around and chill - You are a cool dude and sad to see you go You improved greatly over the past few months and I am proud
[MZK]Lightning, you were fun to play with. We has some giggles and some fun. you were just enjoyable to be with in general. i hope your future all goes well and remember, we all love you buddy. <3 PS: i do totally do not know how to @ you.
@[MZK]Lightning (idk how to tag u lol) Love you bro, glad to see your progress since you first got trial, seeing you get mod made my life complete. I hope to see you still being active on the servers, and I hope you can come back soon <3
@[MZK]Lightning You were damn nice when we played, hope to still see you around dude. Best of luck with everything, and stay safe out there *insert peace emoji here*