Not right now Mr.Whiskers We would always know it would come for this No not right now Mr.Whiskers, go back to your basket. @Scrungy L' SHACK GRULL What did I just do? One night three years ago I lured Scrungy into the bathrooms to beat him into unconscious I later indoctrinated him using a mix of hallucinogen and PAIN Creating my own little puppet It's sad things ended up this way. But your administation team will not stop sending me fucking trap porn @Scrungy Kill the staff team, each and every one of them, burn the bodies.
Spoiler: WARNING: THIS IMAGE MAY CAUSE SEVERE DISCOMFORT, VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED @j3kawesome @RyanHighwayman @Ashes Relandi @Nathan776 @Jabba the Slut @Lordyhgm your days are numbered.
The knocking you put in this freaked me out so much because there's a sliding window door right next to me with no curtains. I checked outside with my dad and brother to see what was going on and found nothing. If you embed videos like this you deserve to rot in eternal darkness. Bastard.