It is time to say goodbye to being deadrun staff, I hope everyone on the staff team knows that you’re all big bullies and I don’t love you. But seriously you guys were fun to talk to whenever I popped into a chat. I want to thank you all for being cool. @JesstheMess Don't stop being a mom to people. @Jabba the Slut JABAB! @Wubby I'll come SL8 with you some day. @Pacifist Thanks for picking me up again, was a fun ride. @Lordyhgm I'll RDM you when I come back. @Carl You're still blocked. @Nuno I believe in you. @SavannahBanana Stinky
@Prisma Fuck man, I thought you'd be a perma-staff. Please come back as soon as you're interested again, and don't become a stranger!
I bet if I had to guess the catalyst to this I could. That being said, seeya later man. You were cool