
Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Mr.Mint №¹³, Apr 23, 2014.

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  1. Mr.Mint №¹³

    Mr.Mint №¹³ New Member

    Slayed me for killing him pre round with a prop and the double barrel shotgun also a few rounds back slayed me for killing a t buddy for handing over weapons and disabling traps to innocents.

    the report i put on him was intercepted by him i suppose and called "false reporting"
    i do not have any pictures i do have logs and the ban he put on me to prove of his abuse and neglect to take care of any rdm reports by any one else on the server
    Disconnect: " "Banned by Tsu{CoEW} for (mass rdm, lying on reports, false reports, revenge rdm, etc no adminstats)".
    also there was no revenge rdm at all i don't know where he got that from. nor any mass rdm... realy the only thing this report shows is his willingness to lye himself to justify his neglectful behavior and abuse of powers on the server.
    apparently this proves i mass rdm'd
    Tsu{CoEW} has forced Themself to spectate.
    *DEAD* (TEAM) Tsu{CoEW}: mint
    *DEAD* (TEAM) Tsu{CoEW}: next false report
    Captain Derpsalot: should we kill killa
    *DEAD* (TEAM) Tsu{CoEW}: is gonna be a ban
    *DEAD* (TEAM) TittySprinkles: why am i getting slayed?
    *DEAD* (TEAM) TittySprinkles: tsu why am i getting slayed?
    Tsu{CoEW} will slay You next round.
    Tsu{CoEW} will slay You next round.
    its just goes on and on he refused to slay or even look into any one elses rdm reports that were verified and let several people mass rdm and leave with no recourse ;/ so for him to take it to heart to target only one person for killing him pore round and reporting him hoping there were other admins on is rather damming.
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2014
  2. Thorn

    Thorn A Thorn in your side. VIP

    @Tsu Will respond at his earliest conviance.
  3. Tsu

    Tsu Emma is love. Emma is Life. VIP

    Mint! How's it going? Lemme take this opportunity to break down what happened and why exactly I banned you for 5 days (pending a check on your admin stats once its back up) for mass rdm 4+, lying on reports, and false reports.

    We begin our story on the map Tundra. You got killed as a Traitor by an innocent (I don't recall who exactly), reported them for RDM, and they responded that you had a T weapon out. I checked logs, you had purchased a T weapon that round, so I didn't slay them since it would become a case of word vs word (I also explained this to you in pvt message, but I guess you didn't see it or chose to ignore it).

    You then got very upset with me for not slaying them, but I let it slide. Next round, you as a T RDMed a fellow T, and you wrote in your report something to the lines of "if that guy who rdmed me isn't getting slain I'm going to revenge RDM". Obviously I slayed you for it (note, this was your second offense while I was on, but it had been a few rounds since your first instance so I gave you 1 slay instead of 2). You then tried to justify yourself by claiming the traitor had been destroying all of your T traps and giving T weapons to the detective. I found that hard to believe, but we'll give you the benefit of doubt. However, it still doesn't excuse your RDM of said fellow traitor.

    The next round, you were slain, and immediately filed another report against me, with the words (RDM on my T round). This constitutes a false RDM report, since you were slain for RDMing the previous round, and I had not killed you. When I warned you not to false report, you replied "this is a report on your false slay". I again explained to you why the slay wasn't false.

    The map then switched to Vessel. I was alt tabbed out and when I tabbed back in I was dead. I checked logs and see this:


    When I first asked you if/why you prop killed me, you told me "wasn't me, someone else must have". And as we can see from the report, your response again was "Didn't do it". This constitutes lying on a report. You attempted to indirectly prop kill me by shooting a barrel with a DB into me so it'd show the world killed me, thus getting away with RDM. However, in this case the logs condemned you.

    You apparently chose to continue to lie in this forum report, as seen above where you claim, I quote, "killing him pre round with a prop and the double barrel shotgun". As logs show, it was not pre-round when you killed me.

    You also RDMed another inno during the round, as seen here:

    This constituted your 4th offense of RDM since I was on (about 2 hours playtime total), and the last 3 were very blatantly deliberate. This already justified the 5 day ban I put on you, not including the false report and lying on report.

    I will be adjusting this 5 day ban as appropriate once I can view your adminstats.
  4. Mr.Mint №¹³

    Mr.Mint №¹³ New Member

    actually we start the day with you rdmimg me as a t during a very empty round before the server filled itself all the evidence i see here is me fucking up and killing epic head shot on the assumption that he was a t shooting at some one the only other report i see is your report on me witch dosent say why you reported me just that you did without any evedence that i did anything to you i find it highly likely your just making that bit up in fact i know that you are.
    And again i must make this point
    the T i rdm'd was giving away other traitors and his weapons up to a detective right in front of him i killed them both to prevent this ghosting from continuing but before that he destroyed 3 of my traps 2 trip mines and a c4.
    you are correct it does not excuse rdm but ghosting is something you should of handled yourself but neglected to.

    ill accept that the slay for killing a fellow traitor grounds of ghosting is a rdm still but i found your unwillingness your willingness to address the situation unfair so i tried getting your attention by reporting you for the slay i never "vowed my revenge" on any one i do not revenge rdm its stupid and get neither party any where

    addressing: if that guy who rdmed me isn't getting slain I'm going to revenge RDM
    this was not me this was a youshida guy who shot up multiples on the bedroom map for him getting rdm'd he reported me and i posted in logs what he wrote in chat after i was killed for killing him this has nothing to do with me apart from me shooting him.

    addressing the lying part there is no evidence that i prop killed you and i did not only your word against mine even though yours carries more weight on these forms its still a blatant lie you assumed i did it when i had no means of doing such the only offence in your counter report thats true is me killing epic head shots and that hardly warrants a permanent ban there was no rdm and leave there was no revenge rdm its just your bad attitude towards some one you dislike and your willingness to abuse powers to remove them

    i visited the map where i rdm'd you apparently theres nothing atop the crows nest in the middle and i know i did not kill you with a pro in all honesty if i was going to kill you it would of just be a straight shot, thinking back to the game i do remvber shooting at a t that was killing every afk on the deck we did kill him and though he killed you you were not afk seeing as how i was instantly killed after epic was shot by me and i found that report

    the prop killing must have been from kiling the t maby something flew into you we didnt not see all i saw was the t dying and all the unid'd bodies of his victims around the deck
  5. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    I'm gonna tell you this nice and lightly. Revenge RDM is not tolerated in these servers. You don't go killing someone just because they RDMed you last round.

    Next, if your traitor buddy sells you out like that, then tell Tsu if the detectives finds and kills each individual traitor for no reason. Never try to take matters into your own hands.

    Next, not all reports will be able to be covered in the round it happened. You need to be patient if you want the report to be done in a timely fashion.

    And regarding the prop killing. You still killed Tsu in the end and the logs NEVER lie. You still killed him and that's a fact. Your name popped up and states that you prop killed Tsu.

    Finally, sending false reports can get you in trouble and eventually banned.
  6. Tsu

    Tsu Emma is love. Emma is Life. VIP

    The logs clearly show you killing me with a prop. Evidence is right there. "I know that you are making that bit up" is yet another lie by you in this thread.

    I looked through old logs. I see no record of the fellow T destroying your tripmines or c4. Also a T giving a detective a traitor weapon is not ghosting. You brought this to my attention after you were slain and reported me for false slay, and logs did not support your story, nor does it excuse your RDM.

    You are also contradicting your own story. In your first post you claim you shot a prop with a double barrel to kill me pre-round. You're now changing your story to you didn't prop-kill me at all and couldn't possibly have.

    Continued repeated lying on reports will just make your punishment more severe. Please stop. I have no personal grudge against you. I just punish all rule breakers equally. You're not the only player I've slain/banned today.
  7. Mr.Mint №¹³

    Mr.Mint №¹³ New Member

    ... wheres the revenge rdm coming from i know its not allowed and again i say "THAT WAS NOT ME" that was youshma's excuse for shooting up a detective while he was innocent i copy pasted it in the report he put on me for killing him arter he killed the detective thats usually more than enough to kill some one on suspect that they are a traitor no questions asked i did not fucking revenge rdm again "I DID NOT REVENGE RDM" it's like a broken record with you lot read next time before you automatically assume i did anything

    tsy: You are also contradicting your own story. In your first post you claim you shot a prop with a double barrel to kill me pre-round. You're now changing your story to you didn't prop-kill me at all and couldn't possibly have.

    um no i did not ;V i never said i prop killed you ever at all ...ever tsu i ask that you do not pull thing out of thin air please
  8. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    May we see evidence that supports your side in other forms besides your word?

    Otherwise this report will be closed due to lack of evidence.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2014
  9. Tsu

    Tsu Emma is love. Emma is Life. VIP

    Also it doesn't matter what you wrote in your RDM report honestly, you killed a T as a fellow T deliberately. Since the T did not shoot you in any form, it's RDM no matter your explanation.
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