A while ago, I bound opening the achievements menu to Mouse 1, so when I left click the menu opens. Is there anyway to fix or change this? I tried unbind all, and to change through the achievement menu.
Didn't work, I've also tried binding mouse2 to mouse1 in options to change it in the menu. I don't know much about binds though.
Is bind mouse1 +attack meant to counteract the menu from opening? bind = achieve_open is meant to move it? I did this and tried more, It didn't work though. I did the first two commands, not much changed, the achieve_open bind was set to both mouse one and =. Then I tried to bind achieve_open to someone else to see if any change, the mouse1 key was still messed up. I also tried to maybe make it so there were too many binds on mouse 1 by binding kill. This didn't work either. Not sure if this can be fixed, but thanks.
Try achieve_key 106 if its bound through the menu this should change it. Im not sure what other way you would of bound it if its not through console or the achievement menu