Honestly the way he went about in the beginning was wrong. Had he just added in "Im reporting this player for attempted RDM" the toxic slay would've most likely never had happened. Teek did fail to explain this well, and instead used things that sounded more like an excuse to get out of a slay. The report itself did not look well either, it to me right off the bat seemed to me "I'm not wrong, you're wrong" and a full defensive report on an attack. However, Teek has found some advice given to him in shoutbox to know how to conduct himself and knows now to make sure to explain the situation in the report, or after the report as well if needed.
Is running into an incen thrown at you toxic? I mean kinda. Could have just checked logs instead of getting themselves killed. Is it worthy of a public slay? Although slays do t mean much in the long run, no imo. This player was labeled as “toxic” by this slay when a private warning could have easily got the point in without public humiliation or missing out on a round. However, this could have been avoided if the person HADNT THROWN THE DARN INCEN. DONT THROW INCENS AS AN INNO
as a person who lights themselves on fire a lot, i dont think it's toxic to run into an incen grenade. i will admit that reporting a person for rdm might be a bit much, but they still shouldnt have thrown it. if a person doesnt want to get in trouble for throwing incendiary grenades, they should just not throw them. if the player in this report wouldnt have thrown the grenade, there would be no need for any of this. the thrower assumes all responsibility for those harmed.
If you walk into someone's fire and then report them for rdm, that seems toxic to me. I feel like you could just report them for throwing a grenade [or just killing them, it IS KOSable], but lowering their karma in the process is toxic. That being said, I don't really think adding a slay to someone for walking into it is proper. A warn would probably just suffice.
the guy who's randomly throwing incens around the map doesn't need any extra protection not toxic imo, its funny asf.