Pages's Massive Super-Rad Hype Mega Suggestion Thread of Amazingness! Good job!

Discussion in 'TTT Suggestions' started by Yawn., Apr 22, 2014.

  1. Yawn.

    Yawn. Previously known as Kindle, Books, Pages.

    Firstly, since it's so fucking hype and massive; I've numbered all of the suggestions and even created a form near the bottom that you can use to easily submit your opinion of them individually! But yes.. Everyone's been adding so much to my mapping plate, I decided to return the favor with my..
    Massive Super-Rad Hype Mega Suggestion Thread of Amazingness! Good job! 
    [Gameplay : Section One]

    1. Disguiser Changes Model | If you're like me (a Donator or above), you have a specific player model you use. Which makes the disguiser useless, as if you're Superman and you kill someone and run into an area.. Go to run out, they're going to kill Superman- regardless of the name. Obviously there's the entire "can't KoS on skin rule", but this slips between the lines and is easily fixable.
    2. Jihad continues countdown despite thrown/dropped | We've all seen it, a traitor dying, and regular innocents picking it up. To be edgy, cool, funny, troll-y, whatever, they start to detonate it- and throw it right before it's ready to explode, just to scare people around them. This also increases the chance of RDM, that someone runs up and shoots them in the face. Creating another needless report. Instead, I suggest we have it continue the countdown even when it's dropped- and therefore adding a new tactic to our TTT realm. Think about it, getting a jihad, and tossing it off the balcony/running to get the unsuspecting innocents below.
    3. T-Equipment: Lock Doors | This originally came from our current version of 67th Way. I've found it's been used in very strategic and interesting ways, and would be a great addition to our very alluring custom content. This wouldn't be very hard to make at all either, considering every door (even those large/odd doors made out of brushes) has a lock/unlock input.
    4. D/T-Equipment: Battering Ram | For Detective's, it'd be most useful against the equipment mentioned above. For Traitors, it'd be very useful for players spamming or otherwise blocking a door to camp a specific area of the map. Obviously it would force the door open, pushing and possibly damaging whatever's behind.
    [Third-Wall : Section Two]
    1. New "Premium" Server | A new server, with a whitelist. One that only Donators/VIP's and above can get into. This gives more incentive to donate, and gives donators a calmer location where there is far less likeliness of RDM, hacking, and general mischief. We can also increase the chance of fun rounds here to boost this incentive ten-fold.
    2. Punishment Reference Page | Simple HTML page, viewable on the website and in-game. This would be a great reference for Trail Moderators+, and would ensure/protect the players rights against mistakes and abuse.
    3. Alternative Private Message Commands | Alright, I'm sorry but using !p is just damn irritating. Everyone forgets, since everyone's so used to using other forms of it. At the very least I suggest we implement !pm, if not other alternatives for the command as well.
    4. VIP/VIP+ Perk Suggestion | One of the more attractive perks we could offer, is higher map vote power. This might need to be reserved for VIP+ so everything doesn't go crazy, and we'd want to keep it at 2/3x the map voting power at most so it's not unfair. But there's nothing worse than playing on a map you hate, so I think this is one of the most alluring options we can give.
    5. Center 'Random' Vote Map | I'm sorry, but there are some of us who have ADHD or just can't stand things out of place. Having 'Random' centered in the very middle brings back the Arcade-fighter style selection we all know and love, and gives it more attention in the prime of the screen rather than misshapenly placed at the bottom row.
    6. Anti-RTV | A bit iffy on this one myself, heard numerous sides of opinion on this one. You know when you're on that one map you actually REALLY love, and people start RTV'ing? This is when that comes to use, actually decreasing from the RTV-vote. If we were to implement this though, the required amount of players for an RTV to succeed would need to be decreased in-order to make it physically possible for an RTV to go through.
    7. More Donation Options | Let's face it. It's not that people dislike donating, it's that they like to get something out of it. Considering (unless times are rough) a community will generally live without it, donating for the hell of it doesn't seem very appetizing. It's the entire reason we have the Donator perks we do now, and why VIP+ exists to keep it coming when new users don't. With that said, I'd like to bring some new options to the table. Wouldn't you like to donate for your own custom player model, that nobody else could have? How about we phone-market it, and have a second form of currency- Gems, that you can only get through purchase. That way you can finally get that insta-knife or death-healing station and not have to farm endlessly anymore. What about your username actually embedded into our custom maps, that way even on other servers you join with our map- you'll be remembered!
    [Meta - Moderator Based : Section Three]
    1. Quiet Mover | Upon the next map change, move all of the players to a selected server. This could be very useful when we're low on staff, and have a server with only eight/twelve people on. Of course this would need to stick out heavily in the logs to insure this isn't abused in any shape or form, or used as an excuse to be lazy and hop off.
    2. God Mode after Teleport/Bring | Obviously this god mode would only last for a couple seconds, but it would give a fair buffer to the player just after having been stuck or whatever the case may be. This obviously to prevent the Moderator, or a nearby traitor/RDM'er taking advantage of these few moments of confusion and discovery of where they have been teleported to.
    3. Baby Slap | Obviously there is some sort of glitch in the script, which is why we're not allowed to bring/teleport while dead. I imagine it's the same sort of glitch that prevents us from having a respawn command. (At least, that's how it was in GMod 13- the last time I was head of a TTT server.) Even if there is a respawn command, I doubt the higher-ups would trust every regular day Moderator not to abuse it and use it for stuck players. This is why my baby-slap idea seems so appealing. Teleports, or otherwise pushes the baby-slapped player just a bit out of the way from where they were, without dealing any damage. This could either be done by applying an insane amount of force to the player, or by simply teleporting them to themselves- as the teleport command already seems to find a safe spot nearby the teleport'er as it is.
    [Please feel free to use this as a template to sort through and give opinion of each suggestion.]
    1.1 (Disguiser Changes Model): Yes/No - Opinion
    1.2 (Jihad continues countdown despite thrown/dropped): Yes/No - Opinion
    1.3 (T-Equipment: Lock Doors): Yes/No - Opinion
    1.4 (D/T-Equipment: Battering Ram): Yes/No - Opinion
    2.1 (New "Premium" Server): Yes/No - Opinion
    2.2 (Punishment Reference Page): Yes/No - Opinion
    2.3 (Alternative Private Message Commands): Yes/No - Opinion
    2.4 (VIP/VIP+ Perk Suggestion): Yes/No - Opinion
    2.5 (Center 'Random' Vote Map): Yes/No - Opinion
    2.6 (Anti-RTV): Yes/No - Opinion
    2.7 (More Donation Options): Yes/No - Opinion
    -Meta/Moderator Based.3-
    3.1 (Quiet Mover): Yes/No - Opinion
    3.2 (God Mode after Teleport/Bring): Yes/No - Opinion
    3.3 (Baby Slap): Yes/No - Opinion
    • Like Like x 1
  2. shadowdragoon66

    shadowdragoon66 hic sunt draconis VIP

    Definite NO on the god mode after teleporting. Moderators are not allowed to kill anyone they tp under any circumstances. This would also give the person being TP'd an unfair advantage because they are able to move once they have been TP'd and making them invincible will give them an edge if they decide to start opening fire on everyone.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    I have to say No on the jihad continuing countdown. It would cause so much RDM with people using jihads. I think the frag grenade already fills this void, despite how funny it would be to toss a jihad into a crowd of people.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Scooter

    Scooter Scooter#5335 VIP

    1.1 (Disguiser Changes Model): Yes
    1.2 (Jihad continues countdown despite thrown/dropped): Yes but if we can add a upgrade to make it sticky HEHEHEHEH
    1.3 (T-Equipment: Lock Doors): No
    1.4 (D/T-Equipment: Battering Ram): No

    2.1 (New "Premium" Server): No
    2.2 (Punishment Reference Page): Yes
    2.3 (Alternative Private Message Commands): Yes
    2.4 (VIP/VIP+ Perk Suggestion): No
    2.5 (Center 'Random' Vote Map): Yes
    2.6 (Anti-RTV): Maybe
    2.7 (More Donation Options): Maybe depending on what is added

    -Meta/Moderator Based.3-
    3.1 (Quiet Mover): A big Fat Yes
    3.2 (God Mode after Teleport/Bring): No
    3.3 (Baby Slap): No
  5. -Gameplay.1-
    1.1 (Disguiser Changes Model): Yes
    1.2 (Jihad continues countdown despite thrown/dropped): Despite how funny this would be, no, it would be overpowered to just drop a jihad into a group of people, that's like an overpowered frag.
    1.3 (T-Equipment: Lock Doors): Yes
    1.4 (D/T-Equipment: Battering Ram): For Detectives this could be cool

    2.1 (New "Premium" Server): YES YES YES YES
    2.2 (Punishment Reference Page): Yes
    2.3 (Alternative Private Message Commands): I don't care
    2.4 (VIP/VIP+ Perk Suggestion): No
    2.5 (Center 'Random' Vote Map): Yes
    2.6 (Anti-RTV): No, and the RTV count should be lowered in my opinion.
    2.7 (More Donation Options): Yes, except the Gems thing, I don't want this to be so pay2win.

    -Meta/Moderator Based.3-
    3.1 (Quiet Mover): Sure
    3.2 (God Mode after Teleport/Bring): Only if the person teleported can't shoot during this godmode period.
    3.3 (Baby Slap): No
  6. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    -Section one-

    Yes for the disguiser hiding skins. +1

    No for a throwable jihad. It wouldn't be a jihad if you could throw it. -1

    -1 for last two; they just don't seem necessary on either end.

    -Section two-

    No to premium servers. This may increase the want to donate, but trolls donate too. -1

    The Server Rules already server as a punishment reference and our admins should be copying and pasting the mod guide, only missing the staff only links. +/-0

    !p isn't that hard to figure out -1

    VIP+ already gets more votes towards the next map. +/-0

    Not opposed to centering the Random Map, but on a side note, that's not ADHD; you're most likely thinking of Obsessive Compulsive. +1

    I don't see RTV used enough for this to be a benefit or harm to the server. -1

    No gems or donating for custom models; part of the reasons stay here is because of the server simplicity. Adding extra things, such as custom models or another currency, could potentially seem cluttered. -1

    -Section three-

    Personally, I've always thought of how nice it would be to close down one of the servers and merge it with its sister server when they both lose players; opening one back up automatically upon a player limit being reached on the compile server. +.5

    God mode after teleporting could potentially be abused by the staff; teleport someone and kill players shortly after. You could always disable weapon use for the staff member during that time. Also, someone could still wait and kill the staff member. Finally, I don't think enough people abuse the tp to make it significant. My rule of thumb was that they get one teleport abuse chance and after that, I won't teleport them; it's abuse of power on their part. -1

    Lastly, a baby slap could knock players into lava, off roofs, and potentially cause damage. It could also just move the player next to them to be stuck; potentially in another player. -1
  7. OCD is an extremely common side-effect of ADHD.
  8. -Gameplay.1-
    1.1 (Disguiser Changes Model): Yes - YES YES YES YES
    1.2 (Jihad continues countdown despite thrown/dropped): No - Cuz Jihads are like suicide bomb vests and u need to suicide to jihad
    1.3 (T-Equipment: Lock Doors): No - Meh
    1.4 (D/T-Equipment: Battering Ram): No - RDM?

    2.1 (New "Premium" Server): Yes - YES YES YES YES
    2.2 (Punishment Reference Page): No - Theres MOTD
    2.3 (Alternative Private Message Commands): No
    2.4 (VIP/VIP+ Perk Suggestion): Yes
    2.5 (Center 'Random' Vote Map): Yes
    2.6 (Anti-RTV): No
    2.7 (More Donation Options): No - Highwon said he doesnt like p2w stuff

    -Meta/Moderator Based.3-
    3.1 (Quiet Mover): No - I like low populated servers
    3.2 (God Mode after Teleport/Bring): No -
    3.3 (Baby Slap): No
  9. Orion

    Orion He is Exalted Administrator VIP

    I'll say yes to Premium Server because, well, if trolls/hackers enter there just to annoy the players, it's not the server that's losing, but him, because he is going to get punished as he already donated. So basically if someone donates, enters premium, keeps trolling until getting banned, he already collaborated for the server and that can't be undone.
  10. Amazing

    Amazing Veteran Member


    But unfortunately I disagree with every single one of these suggestions.