WhaT THE FUck did you just call uS!? SHITPOSTERS??? we are no shitposter! EVERYTHING we share is of utmost relevance! fuck I hate this new meme about everything being a shitpost, not everything is a shitpost god damn you wanna see a shitpost? YEEAAA BOI IM FUCKIN EPIC DUDE EPIC FUCKIN MEME BRAH BORK BORK HAVE A WEE BIT O REDIT SILVAH MATE EL OH EL LAD THATS A GOOD FUCKIN SHITPOST ROOHT THERE MATE QUITE EPIKKK DUDE Over the course of history there has been much effort to archive and reproduce mans greatest works. From the cloisters of 4th century monks reproducing manuscripts by hand to the invention of Our Lord's greatest tool Copy And Paste we have been toiling away at this mission given to us by God. You may not understand our dedication to such a task but look at it this way: were it not for us and our mission you would not have been able to enjoy histories great works such as Dante's Divine Comedy, Pliny the Younger's letters regarding the last day of Pompeii, or u/_Caketaco_'s Fun things to do in public.