Spoiler https://i.gyazo.com/48b0f23c2caffaf6d97eb1887f43561b.png I mean I know this isnt an actual diagnostic, but does this mean I *could* have autism? I dont think ive ever been tested for it before, and as a young adult, it feels silly to think about getting tested when I believe I am a functioning adult.
@Elvis there is very high functioning people with autism such as me with Aspergers, even if you do have it if you do, your still you, your still a lot of peoples friend including mine, and most importantly your just as capable with or without it.
@SquidgyBoat smh i spelt one word wrong :shrug: anyways got anything else to add to the convo besides rating and hiding? <3
I got 23, almost borderline A U T I S M but I think we all already knew that, hell the test might even be faulty. hell if I know. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯