Approved Dzeko's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Dzeko, Apr 21, 2014.

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  1. Dzeko

    Dzeko Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    This was my first offence and Tsu banned me for 28 freaking days.
    Evidence of Innocence:
    In the middle of a round in magma, Tsu shot me with a flare gun thinking that I didn't see him. I found him and I shot at him, and an inno killed me. But that is not the point. Tsu asked me why I shot him and I said something along the lines of "I killed you because you shot me with that flare gun you little bitch". He did not warn me, kick me, ban me for 24 hours, or ban me for 5 days. INSTEAD, he banned me for 28 days on my FIRST OFFENCE. I checked the rules and the only way you can be banned for 28 days is if you are hacking or ghosting, which I did neither of. Why am I being banned when I should have only recieved a warning?​
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2014
  2. Tsu

    Tsu Emma is love. Emma is Life. VIP

    Hi Dzeko.

    I banned you for traitor finder hacks, not for RDM or calling me a bitch or anything.

    You killed 3 traitors that round, no one else, they all reported you, and all of your reasons for killing them were false. Coincidentally, all 3 were traitors that had bought traitor equipment at some point before you killed them.

    You first killed speedy, claiming he threw a nade. He did no such thing.

    You killed a second T for having an MP7, except that he had never pulled it out.

    You then killed me for flare gunning you, except i did it around a corner with your back to me (I tend not to flaregun ppl to their faces).

    All of these points to you having the traitor finder hack.
  3. Dzeko

    Dzeko Member

    Wtf? A traitor finder hack? Are you freaking kidding me?
    I killed speedy because I thought he threw a nade. So he didnt, fine.
    I don't even remember killing a second T.
    And you, I literally looked right at you and saw the flare bullet fly at my face, and you ran away. I still SAW YOU do it.
    And you're accusing me of having a freaking "traitor finder hack"? WTF?
    Either way, that is suspicion, you can't even prove if I have a "traitor finder hack".
    Seriously dude, I can send you logs of all the applications on my computer if thats how I can prove that I don't have hacks.
    I swear, this is just a coincidence.
  4. Tsu

    Tsu Emma is love. Emma is Life. VIP

    When you killed speedy, there were about 5 or 6 players in a group. You walked up to him and shot him directly in the face (I observed this happen). He had not dropped, thrown, or even taken out a grenade. The only nades anyone threw were 2 smokes by a detective about 10-15 seconds ago.

    I also know I didn't flare gun you when you were looking directly at me. However, I have no proof of this since I wasn't recording at the moment.

    I'll let an admin+ decide on this.
  5. Dzeko

    Dzeko Member

    It was not a group of 5 or 6. Me and speedy were on the elevator and I saw a grenade fly down coming from his direction. I pressed TAB and I clicked his name and pressed KILL. When I saw him running, I shot him dead, and to my expectancy, he was a T.
    You DID flare gun me when I looked at you, we were like... 5 meters away so you being able to see my aim is unlikely. I even saw you flare someone before me but I didn't actually see you shoot someone so I tabbed you as SUSPECT or AVOID (not sure which one it was).
  6. Aboose!

    Aboose! Floral shirts, Dads and sleeveless sweaters are IN VIP

    Considering you had no issue telling myself and @Joepicklebob to go F*** ourselves yesterday for a perfectly reasonable slay. I would give the advice to not be lenient on this ban if in fact he is a hacker
  7. Highwon

    Highwon Owner VIP Silver

    Due to the lack of evidence by Tsu, I'm going to approve this appeal. I have removed the ban from your record as well.
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