Invalid Report against Sable

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by ThePaleRider, Jun 25, 2020.

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  1. Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    Time of Occurence:
    Reason For Report:
    This doesnt have to be a report, its just been almost a week since either of them have done anything in regards to my ban and my ban appeal.
    The ban was for a false reason, and thus it should be void, but these two have taken too long to finish handling it... so, i'm making a report...​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    I had been kicked during preparing of the round i was supposed to be slain, and ended up rejoining almost immediately afterwards.
    Because i was kicked and rejoined after the round had started, the slay didnt go into effect that round and the rdm/slay/report popup at the top of the screen wasnt there during that round.
    The next round started, and i was slain and stayed in the game until the slay round ended.
    The round immediately after i was slain was a fun round, and as soon as i saw the fun round popup at the bottom of the screen, i decided to hop to west.
    I was banned for rdm and leave after serving the slay then leaving... The ban was not voided, and thus i am here.
    It's not my fault the mod/admin were too busy to notice me in the game, its on them.​
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2020
  2. @Sable
    Sorry about this, but its just been too long so i'm attempting to speed up the process or something XD
  3. RyanHymenman

    RyanHymenman Conscript the women and kids Administrator VIP Silver

  4. just to remind yall why this report was made, the ban was false in the first place.
  5. Sable

    Sable Keepin it chill VIP

    I have seen this and will reply as soon as I’m home
  6. Voca

    Voca o.o Administrator VIP

    Hey, so all I did was handle the report ingame, I did not do the banning, so I didnt check wether it was the case that you joined back served your slay and left again, but I can hop on to check it out.
    I was going to post the evidence on the appeal for the RDM report, but over a private forum conversation you had told me it wasnt neccesary as you knew the slay was valid.

    So I didnt post it o.o

    Also it have only been 2 days .-.

    Either way for the sake of the report here is the evidence that you asked me to not post on the appeal.

    The leave Message happened on round 5 which is confirmed by Shadolls Join mesage - I will explain that part in my next post that will contain a few short recordings that shows that after this 1 and only Leave message we recieved from you, a whole map passed and you didnt show up in the server again nor served a slay before the ban o.o
  7. I never asked ya not to post anything on the appeal...
    I knew the slay was valid, but the ban itself was not, as i had joined back immediately after leaving.
    I know i served the slay, and that i didnt leave until the end of the round, before the preparing stage for the next round.
    I'm removing Voca from this as he wasnt really involved other than to give the slay in the first place, which was a valid action.
  8. Sable

    Sable Keepin it chill VIP


    As Voca mentioned, I handled the banning not the report, but the report information is accepted so I will focus on the ban itself.

    Firstly here's two video clips I pulled from my recording on that day.

    1) that shows when you went into spectator mode during round 4 on seriouscraft. You can see that Krus had just been reported during this clip, which occurred during round 4. You went into spectator mode from being afk, showing that a) you were alive that round (not slain yet), and b) that you were afk'ing after your report. The report manager shows that you had been slain, which lets us know Voca slayed you during round 4 (You had a slay but had not yet been slain, despite being alive that round and not in spectator yet)

    2) that shows you exiting the server with a slay on you shortly after.

    There's a few things we can deduce from this so let me piece it apart.

    - You were given a slay on round 4 but did not serve it yet as it was given after preround.
    - You were afk at the time and moved into spectator mode automatically during round 4.
    - You did not leave the server more than once, and did not rejoin after leaving initially with your slay. Regardless if you left and rejoined on Round 2, or 3, you did not during Round 4, when the slay was given (and seeing as you were afk, I don't tend to believe you did on either of the other two rounds but /shrug)
    - Since you did not leave the server an other type while having received a slay, we know you saw the slay warning at the top of your screen while you left. You were in spectator mode, and I was alive, so I can't say if you just left or if you used !hop. Granted I checked and you did go over to west which is why I unbanned you, but you had the slay warning at the top of your screen.


    Now that we have the facts lain out, let's look at some of your responses to this.

    Firstly, in the unban appeal, you said :
    You did leave when you had a slay, and you did rdm before you left, which you knew because you saw the report and replied to it. The fact that you replied to it proves your statement of not knowing wrong. Also we now know the warning was at the top of your screen.

    We then had a conversation, in which you said:
    Here you said the server kicked you at the preparing of your original slay round, and you rejoined quickly. You go on to say you didn't get to serve the slay, didn't know it was there, etc. We know this to be false because the round you were given the slay, you went afk, and got put into autospec. The next round you would've been slain, you were in spectator mode and did not play. A round later and you left the server, still in spectator mode. (Still with the warning on the top of your screen, although you say otherwise).

    Then you say you did serve your slay... now I'm confused. We both know you didn't, you said you didn't, you said you had no idea you even had a slay or a report in your ban appeal, and now you remember serving it? (which you didn't). Just pointing out some inconsistencies.


    Overall, the validity of your responses only amounts to one thing which is that you left the server to go play on West. You gave many contradicting responses as to if you knew about the slay, if you were on the server, if you rdm'ed, etc, all of which are proven false above. The fact remains that you simply rdm'ed, went afk, and left the server. After looking into this more, I am more convinced than before by analyzing it deeper and noticing some of the smaller things, and it is because of those reasons that I had decided to Unban you but Not Void the ban.

    I hope that clears it up, and Thank you for your time,

  9. Voca

    Voca o.o Administrator VIP

    I will be addind these 2 recording to the evidence as they help pinpoint when the RDM and leave message happened as well, as for how many rounds had passed without you joining back. - Should show that I checked the olds logs playerlist to pinpoint when Shadoll Joined. - He joined during round 5 as he appeared in round 6 and you dissapeared from the list at round 6 - This should show that I checked all rounds from round 6 on the map after you left, and you never served a slay on those rounds or joined in on them for that matter. + the only funround that happened after your Leave message, was the one on round 6 of dolls, where you had already gotten banned before that round occured o.o
  10. Are y'all sure we're talking about the same event?
    Cause i don't remember the slay/rdm/report that I got which caused all this.
    Are ya certain I left on my own instead of being kicked/moved because i was afk?
    I remember moving to west after serving a slay and at the start of a funround, but im not sure if its this slay.
    Honestly tho, i don't recall the slay and i wouldn't have left if I knew i had it.
    Being moved to spectator and being in spectator, on the round of your slay the slay notification at the top of your screen disappears.
    I know this cause I've gone into spec seconds before a slay, and its done it.
    If you go into spec mode during a slay, the round will be played without you, but as soon as you leave spec mode, at the start of the next round, the slay notification window will pop back up, and you will have to serve a slay.
    I honestly didnt know there was a slay on me until around 6-ish hours later, when i got on vanilla and was slain. That's also the time i sent a message to voca about the slay reason, because i was confused about why it was there and what it was for.
    As @Voca can verify, i asked about the slay and was a bit confused about it.
  11. Voca

    Voca o.o Administrator VIP

    @Credence just a lil reminder for this

    And well this was the case and scenario you got banned for, so if anyone is mixing up the scenario, it would seem to be you o.o

    The slay notification does not dissapear when you move to spectator, if it does, its a bug on your end that might need to be reported and looked into.
  12. Credence

    Credence Demon Lord VIP

    Alright so imma wrap this up now. It seems you got mixed up with which slay this was, and that got all cleared up. As you can see, you got slain, and left shortly afterwards.

    Report: Invalid
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