Invalid Report against Coinston

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Indy226, Jun 20, 2020.

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  1. Indy226

    Indy226 Banned VIP Silver

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    i am named not numbered
    Which Server:
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    Time of Occurence:
    12:35 pm ish
    Reason For Report:
    Since when is having the bind "^^KILL THIS NAZI^^" on my Traitor button against the rules.
    Coinston warned me for this and told me to change it because it "possibly could offend someone".
    I refused to change it because...

    A: Who the fuck get's offended by a bind in GMOD TTT that I can do to literally everyone who I KOS

    B: This isn't calling out anyone in particular, just the person who I'm KOSing which can be anybody

    C: I've been in numerous other TTT rounds with staff and this bind for about two weeks now with none of them warning me

    D: I know several other people have other binds like this and they've never been warned, I also not too long ago had a bind saying "^^KILL THIS BRAIN DEAD APE^^" and another one saying "^^THIS MAN WORKS FOR ISIS AND HAS SEVERAL TERRORIST WEAPONS^^"

    After I told Coinston this he tried to explain why it could be considered offensive, which still follows the same lines as I've stated above.
    After this I told Coinston I wasn't gonna change it unless either an Admin or someone with the knowledge ( ex staff ) to confirm this

    Coinston appears to have refused seeking a higher up for clarification. He instead restated his initial warning. To which I just left vanilla.
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    Due to the forums' reports not accepting more than 20 images my evidence will be listed after this report is made.​
  2. Indy226

    Indy226 Banned VIP Silver

    This is the incident that happened that lead to Coinston's warning on me

    The bind I currently use

    Coinston's warning

    I replied saying "What" because I was confused

    Coinston told me what he is warning for

    I asked "What about it" because I was still confused

    Coinston's reason

    I told him he couldn't do that because... It's a KOS bind??

    I asked for who took offense to the bind because I was thinking someone was actually offended

    Coinston told me I was calling "them" a NAZI
    I again asked for who was taking offense

    Coinston then replies this
    Which told me nobody took offense

    I then told him I've had this bind for some time, with other staff. And other then Coinston no other staff has warned me for this bind

    Coinston then says this. And I find this completely ridiculous that no other staff have noticed my bind. Considering that staff are on the dime when someone types a slur out.

    I told him he couldn't make me change my bind because somebody "might" take offense to my bind
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2020
  3. Indy226

    Indy226 Banned VIP Silver

    Coinston said this, and yes. Since when can you be warned for unreported harassment, how would you know if someone actually took offense?

    I said that was different, initially I thought he was talking about if my bind said something like "^^KOS THIS RETARD^^"
    Now I say it's not different, it's goes along the same lines as my "^^KILL THIS NAZI^^" bind.

    He asked me how it could be different
    I don't see it different anymore now, it's the same as my current bind

    My initial thought on how it's different

    My thought on how it's different just lead me back to what I'm saying now in this report. It's a KOS bind that could be said to anybody

    I stated an old bind I had back in 2019, which unironically another player thought could've counted as harassment but no staff accepted his logic and nothing happened to me

    Coinston then tries to reason it out with a history lesson on the holocaust and society's view on retarded people. Because apparently someone could take offense to being called a NAZI or being called retarded on a video game where this happens ALL THE TIME

    Also if you know your history, only about 1/3 ( 33%) of NAZI party members wanted the holocaust to happen

    And everyone online even quite a lot of people in SGM call others retarded which is rarely reported as harassment.

    I told Coinston to clear this with either an admin or someone who knew what they were talking about ( IE ex staff ).

    I also told him that this isn't a direct insult towards a particular person. Because literally anyone on the server could be KOSed by me with my bind, and that it's not something like "Indy is a bitch" "FnafFan1224 is a Traitor!"

    Coinston said regardless of someone being called out specifically it's still harassment
    1: It appears he completely disregarded me asking him to ask an admin or someone that's knowledgable for clarification
    2:And how is it harassment? This could happen to LITERALLY ANYBODY ON THE SERVER, you can't predict someone in GMOD TTT to maybe, just maybe, might take offense to my bind and asking someone to tell Grzegorz to not use that bind.
  4. Indy226

    Indy226 Banned VIP Silver

  5. Coinston

    Coinston "But what if Robots" - Chris Wedge VIP

    I've seen this but it's 4 am
  6. Coinston

    Coinston "But what if Robots" - Chris Wedge VIP

    All right, so first off, what exactly is the point of this report? A standard report is formatted to allow a mod to learn from a mistake and change, but in this situation, I just asked you to change a bind which you then refused, and nothing changed. I brought it up because I saw your bind and wanted you not to continue to repeat it, not as a harassment warning, but to make sure you didn't cause problems in the future. You brought up the fact that no one would care just assuming everyone would be ok with it because it was a bind and I was trying to explain it did not matter that it was a bind, it is still offensive to compare someone to something with an incredibly negative stigma such as a Nazi. I personally know people and have played Gmod with 1 of them who would be offended if you called them a Nazi, so you can't just assume because you have never met someone who was offended by it that no one would be. As you can see in all the screenshots, I never said it was a warning or to stop harassing other players I asked you to change it, so we did not encounter a situation where someone has to PM staff telling them that they are uncomfortable. The point of rules is to prevent it from occurring, not punish those who break them, and I wanted to make sure everyone could enjoy playing the game without being disrupted by a careless bind.

    You also mention that I did not ask an Admin, which I did I didn't tell you because I did not think it was essential to what the point I was trying to get across at that moment was before you then left where I was told that yes it was harassment if they felt offended, which no one at the time that I knew of was which is why I did not warn you for harassment first offense

    I brought up multiple other points because you didn't seem to get why I was asking you to remove it and why some players might be offended by being called a Nazi as you just continued to argue why you should be able to keep the bind. I don't know why no one else has warned you about it, but I saw it and decided that it would be better if you did not have a bind like that, you also bring up that other players have binds harassing the player kosed and I also don't know why they have not been warned. I could ask every staff member why they didn't warn, but I doubt many of them would even remember the situation because either it wasn't necessary at the time or they didn't pay attention. But what other staff do is not my concern what is, is trying to maintain an environment where everyone can enjoy the game without having to worry about other players disrupting them.

    Leaving it to @Credence to decide on the verdict of this
  7. Indy226

    Indy226 Banned VIP Silver

    I reported because I have never had something like this happen, and because if a bind could be considered harassing without anybody saying that it changes the whole view of the game.

    Seemed more like a warning to me on how it was phrased. That's another reason why I made this report because I thought I got unnecessarily warned. OK, here is my issue, since when can a "maybe could cause issues" bind be warned ahead of time when nobody feels harassed.

    Nothing had happened until you warned me. Even past then and further today ( I am still using this bind ) nobody has felt harassed.

    The issue though is I am not specifically calling out one person and repeatedly calling them a NAZI, and you can 100% assume someone could take offense, but you can also assume 100% that nobody would take offense. Especially in a video game like GMOD TTT, it's not like I'm walking into a village of Jews accusing them all of being NAZIs. Plus I've heard several players call the detectives NAZIs as a joke in the past, nobody has been warned for that.

    Sure felt like a warning, and again, you can't assume that somebody would take offense. If somebody did then fine, I'll change it no questions asked, but nobody did ( evidenced above when I asked you ) which is why this report is here.

    Actually you asked, but didn't get a response until after I had left. Noticing what Irish and you said above, IF they felt offended, and nobody did feel harassed but it sure felt like a warning. I don't see staff often type "you are warned" when warning someone. Unless it's a 2nd or 3rd offense thing. Irish also said to make sure someone felt harassed which nobody did, which doesn't make sense to why I'd have to change my bind.

    Sooo then either all staff are doing something wrong or you're doing something wrong then. I find it hard that no other staff wouldn't warn for this if they're supposed to.
  8. Coinston

    Coinston "But what if Robots" - Chris Wedge VIP

    I already said all that I need to say and put up my reasoning no need to start an argument, probably should've specified that so @Credence knew to finish the report.
  9. Credence

    Credence Demon Lord VIP

    Alright so, like Coin mentioned earlier, he ASKED you to change it as it COULD be offensive. He tried to ask you this to help yourself in case somebody who did feel harassed by it reported it to him. He didn't do anything wrong here, as an admin (which you were asking about) also said that it COULD be harassment. A warning to change something isn't going to be "Hey can you please change that? People could take offense to it." Its going to be "Change your KoS bind." What one mod would like for somebody to do is up to them. As he was just trying to help you prevent a situation in the future. Why should he be warned for not even warning you? He informed you that a problem could be had with it and that to avoid a future situation would be to change it. Putting the words "KOS" in front of it doesn't change the meaning of the word. Say I had a bind for "I see ____"; say "This guys a fucking pile of dog shit and should go die". Just because it can target anybody doesn't make it not harassment. You say a name, and you say something to that person (I'd use stronger words but my point gets across with this example). And I already know exactly what you're going to try and say. "Oh but this person's kos bind calls people furries" (ahem). The word furry by itself isn't harassment, and its just petty to try and make it seem like it is one to you. Nazi has historical connotations that are associated with a horrible person. In case I haven't made my point clear here without directly saying it. This report is INVALID.

    Report: Invalid
    Thread: Locked
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