Denied The Frost Godfather's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by The Frost Godfather, Jun 8, 2020.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    Kindred™ ©
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    So i was playing on the map with the diamond sword, and i used it to kill 4-5 or so players, only one of which reported , whom was Meatwad, and DarkCarnage forgave (even tho he did not report). I remember i also killed big_elk. ( who the next round got karma banned for doing the same thing). And i am curious why i got a 5 day ban while another player only got a 1 hour ban even though he killed more players.
    On top of that The mod, lightning, (while irish was online) made reports asking why i killed players, even though the player themselves, did not report let alone kill me when i had the sword. I mean i am KOS when holding the sword and most players know that. (Lord Sethy eventually took me down).

    I feel i should be unbanned and given slays for whom i killed and/ or just a karma ban instead for at least some punishment but a 5 day ban when another player only was karma banned is pretty bs to me.​
    Evidence of Innocence:

    On top of this, staff and players usually say in game" if you have a problem with another or staff member, type !report in chat"

    to which only one of the players i killed only reported, so therefore the others did not have a problem. And if a mod or other staff is going to report, why not all rdms actually have a slay result because to many times i report a rdmmer and they don't get slayed, on multiple occasions and i have Forum reported and the player and staff member still gets away with no slays.
  2. Frost

    Frost Frosted Pun King VIP

    You were banned by @Irish , he'll get back to you when he can

    Also to mention, you killed an excess of 4+ people which is considered mass RDM, we have to look into mass RDM, especially if it's reported.
    Also other said player was banned for Mass RDM as well, you weren't singled out.
  3. [MZK]Lightning

    [MZK]Lightning I've Been ... Thunderstruck!!! VIP Silver

    Hello @The Frost Godfather,

    According to § 10.2 of this post in the TTT Extended Rules thread, Mass RDM must be reported by staff members whether or not it is reported by the original victims.

    While on the server I noticed that you killed 5 people with the diamond sword on Jondome as an innocent, as the following screenshot will show:

    Now, originally, 1 of the people you killed did report you:

    I noticed that you responded to this report with "I was trying to get as many as I can." This would not only indicate that you knew that what you did with the sword was wrong, but that you intended to Mass RDM in the first place.

    This is why I filed 4 Unreported Damage Reports on you during Round 6 of Jondome and Round 1 of B5. Now, @TheDarkCarnage did forgive 1 of those reports, but this is a moot point since § 9.4 of the same post states that Mass RDM cannot be forgiven.

    If it were up to me, this appeal would be denied. But, since this is Irish's ban, I'll cede to his judgement.
  4. Irish

    Irish SGMs Residential Frog-min VIP

    Hello! First of all, I'd like to thank [MZK]Lightning for providing all the evidence necessary for this ban.

    You purposefully picked up that sword and RDMed five different people just to see how many you could kill. Our moderators can report damage as they see fit and just because the kill wasn't reported doesn't make it not RDM, furthermore, you cannot be forgiven for intentional and or mass RDM.

    I don't see any reason why you should just say you deserve a reduced ban from five days to an hour? and certainly not slays instead.

    I hope you learn from this and don't intentionally mass rdm in the future, because it won't be tolerated.

    Thanks for taking the time to appeal, if you have any problems further message me here on the forums or on the discord.


    Appeal : Denied
    Thread : Locked
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2020
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