democrats ruin everything

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by Hongo, May 11, 2020.

  1. Pacifist

    Pacifist Cynically Insane VIP Bronze

    LOL. Did I say that no other president has declared a national emergency? I said that no other president has declared a national emergency to further a political agenda. Usually national emergencies are things like weather emergencies and invasions (though obviously we haven't been invaded in a long time), never has a national emergency been used in the way trump used it. Imagine if Biden gets into office and uses a national emergency to take away guns. Trump set precedent that the national defense budget is basically the president's piggy bank, and that they can use it for whatever they want so long as they can spin it to vaguely mention a threat to public safety.

    Also, please tell me how they literally tried to entrap Trump. Also, the ((())) thing is actually a nazi dogwhistle lol. Don't play dumb.

    Also, still waiting... xD
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  2. Najm

    Najm Feeling cute, might remove other eye later. VIP

    Are you guys even trying to understand eachothers point or is it just bashing / convincing others of your standpoint by now?
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  3. Juice Juice™

    Juice Juice™ VIP Emerald Bronze

    This is politic bruh
    And tbh Bogdanoff is like, a defacto troll.
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  4. Espurr

    Espurr #AlwaysStabEspurr Administrator VIP

    Dual partisanship is a failure and has been for the past 30 years, Most People would rather take a look at the other side and hurl insults instead of actually discussing advantages of each side. In my life I have yet to see a politician get voted in that actually gives a rats ass about anyone besides themselves and the people that give them large sums of money.

    In my dumb opinion, All elected officials should be vacated and we should start fresh, only using their ideals to earn a vote, not an association with a party.
    • Winner Winner x 2
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  5. Juice Juice™

    Juice Juice™ VIP Emerald Bronze

    Republicans, right or wrong, police their own.
    Democrats only ever try and police Republicans, making both sides hate them.
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  6. Bogdanoff

    Bogdanoff VIP

    That triple parentheses you linked refers to anti semtism, none of the people that I listed are jews or related to them in any way, unless youre implying that mao zedong and pol pot are jewish.

    National Emergencies have always been used, get over it. The example you listed is dumb because that violates the constituion and its grounds for impeachment (and not a fabricatied one like the dems tried to do to Trump)

    Illegal immigration is a threat to every country, not just in the US. Its why many Asian countries have extremely strict immigration and visa rules, as they regocnize that.

    Voter ID is a prime example of Democratic stupidiy.
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  7. Pacifist

    Pacifist Cynically Insane VIP Bronze

    Dude, by using the triple parenthesis you are implying that they are jewish. Don't fuck with me bud, I aint stupid.

    National Emergenicies are not meant to be used for things like border security, that should go through congress (you know, like that constitution you cited says). Congress, which was majority republican, decided that they did not want to fund the wall, so Trump declared a national emergency to do it, citing a migrant caravan that never seriously posed any real risk to our country, as at the time they weren't even in Mexico. No, it technically doesn't. Gun violence is a serious threat to any country, not just in the US. Its why many countries have extremely strict gun control, as they recognize that.

    Also Voter ID is a republican thing isn't it? I have never heard a democrat run on the platform of expanding voter ID laws. That is actually something that Democrats are trying to repeal because it interferes with our democracy by creating unnecessary hoops for people to jump through, and the only justification is that it cuts down on voter fraud, which has never been proven to be a big problem anyways. In fact... of the 649 million votes cast, there were 13 credible cases of in person voter fraud.

    Yet, for some reason, you guys seem to really dislike it when the right to vote is expanded. Democrats in Michigan decided to mail the ballots and you guys have a heart attack. Why are you so afraid of people voting?

    By the way, the impeachment was justified. The guy literally held aid over Ukraine's president to get info on a political opponent's son, Biden. The fact that he didn't go through with his ultimatum and ultimately gave the aid in the end just shows that trump can't even be corrupt correctly. What an absolute failure.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. The Constitution says the President has the authority to enforce legislation by Congress. Wikpedia has an exhaustive list of all immigration and alien legislation passed since the beginning of the country. Now how would building further border barriers and other mechanisms to prohibit illegal migration not constitute enforcing these laws enacted by Congress?

    Citing the caravan as the only reason is disingenuous. Hundreds of thousands of Americans die from opiates- guess where the vast majority of these drugs are sourced. Thousands of mostly young girls are trafficked across the southern border every year. Are hundreds and thousands of dead Americans and trafficked girls not worthy of an Emergency Declaration?

    Yes requiring that prospective voters have the most basic form of identification, one that lasts 8 years and costs $30 for renewal, is such a burden. I saw a great youtube video of someone going into a minority neighborhood asking if these laws were racist only to be told that assuming just because they aren't white they don't have a damn ID was deeply offensive. There are 20-30million illegal migrants residing in the USA today, making sure they are citizens paying their proper taxes by requiring state issued ID is just common sense.
  9. Najm

    Najm Feeling cute, might remove other eye later. VIP

    Illegal immigration is called "illegal" for a reason. Does any politican really think it should be allowed?
    The only question should be if legal immigration hurdles should be lowered. But illegal immigration is not good for any modern society. How do you ever want to integrate if you don't even have a passport or legal work?
  10. Pacifist

    Pacifist Cynically Insane VIP Bronze

    Yes, but the president has to fund that enforcement. If congress does not give funding for a border wall, the border wall does not get built. He stepped over congress' explicit wishes by declaring that emergency, as neither the house or the senate (both republican majority) wanted to give him the amount of money he was looking for. What ever happened to that migrant caravan anyways? I remember Trump's propaganda arm going crazy about it, and at the time it was the sole justification for the National Emergency. As far as the drugs and the human trafficking? Maybe if we took more time stabilizing Mexico as we do the middle east we'd be somewhere. Maybe if we stopped the war on drugs and allow drugs to be manufactured here in the US we wouldn't need to depend on Mexican drug cartels for our supply.

    As far as human trafficking goes? The issue is far more complicated. Simply legalizing prostitution probably would help, but obviously industries like that should probably be heavily regulated to cut down on abuses or oppressive market behaviors. More than likely though, this is a law enforcement problem. Building a wall isn't going to stop human trafficking. These people are not going to send these girls over the border, chances are they are going to put them on a plane or drive them through a checkpoint. I don't know if you know this, but the border is kind of a desert...

    First of all, I don't care about your anecdotes dude. Going into a single neighborhood and asking the minorities if they have ID is not data. I can actually show you the data.
    Scroll down to the wisconsin charts. 78% of african americans between the age of 18 - 24 do not have ID. Meaning, they would need to go pay the $30 just to vote. Imagine that, having to pay $30 to vote. Should it not be free? I thought this was a democracy where everyone over the age of 18 could vote? You guys make it seem like it is such a big deal, but to some people $30 is a lot of money, and any barrier to voting is unnecessary when voter fraud is historically not happening. Like at all. You guys like to say that illegals are voting, but they just aren't.

    As far as making illegal's citizens? I 100% agree. If they are here and working then there should be a path to citizen. At the very least, get them a social security number and get them paying taxes.

    I think that ultimately you are always going to have illegal immigration. I'm not a huge fan of open borders, I think there needs to be some process, but the act of entering illegally should just be a civil violation. Slap a huge fine on them and take them to where they can enter the country legally. If they lack the paperwork then obviously you send them back. If they wish to seek asylum then they can apply for it right then and there. Easy as pie. Our border patrol is pretty good at stopping the illegals.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. First of all, I don't care about your anecdotes dude :cry::cry:

    From the order itself: build a wall on the southern border of the United States, which the order calls a "major entry point for criminals, gang members, and illicit narcotics" into the United States

    Hmm I don't see mention of a caravan being the primary reason for this?

    And by your same source, the percentage of people who don't have IDs and actually intended to vote is a meager 2%. Illegals voting in elections isn't the only fraud prevented by in person identification. From literally 3 days ago:

    Pennsylvania abolished voter ID in 2014. Is it any coincidence that the fraud in the article above began in 2014 after it ended?

    The rest of your arguments are actually copy and pastes from the democratic debates. "It should only be a civil violation" "Give them a path to citizenship!" Do some critical thinking of your own
  12. The downfall of this server is quickly approaching.
    Just sit there quietly, and think to yourself, was trying to be the internet police towards a bunch of 'internet personality' gamers worth destroying a community, because all I see is a new one forming in exodus of the idiots that destroyed it.
    • Dumb Dumb x 2
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  13. Juice Juice™

    Juice Juice™ VIP Emerald Bronze

    This one is something I really disagree with, at least with our current system, for two reasons:
    1. By allowing good workers a free pass through the legal system, it will encourage more to come for better conditions. This might be the elitism of living in those better conditions talking, but that would result in the place they are leaving being voided of that exceptional labor, further deteriorating conditions for everyone else there. For us, it'd be one face among many contributing, but especially for an underdeveloped part of the world, that kind of labor is not only exceptionally valuable but integral if there is desire to improve society. (This part is heavily anecdotal->) And it's not like it benefits America all that much either- We don't have a general labor shortage, so it's not like the job wouldn't get done, and that money is probably going to get sent back, or at least a large chunk of it. Which might seem like it'll boost the economy of the underdeveloped place I was just talking about, but it tends to just have the effect of giving a single family some moderately improved living conditions, since most supplies that family could spend the money on are sourced by the already wealthy, and not their community.

    2. We have a legal system to allow immigrants in. Not only are illegal immigrants being allowed in before one going through the legal process a massive middle finger to those people, but it also means that our already flawed system is going to have even more trouble keeping up. How do we qualify when a person is valuable enough to stay? Open borders are a nice concept, but it also holds a large host of cultural problems, especially if the people coming through are poor- The portion of any population that is the most likely to commit crime- And this would essentially be open borders with added steps. And a requirement for criminal behavior before you're legally allowed to stay.
    • Winner Winner x 3
  14. Hongo

    Hongo VIP

    Oh my goodness, someone is actually making sense!
    My grandparents saved for years, learned english so they could fill out the paperwork, and could only bring their children and not the rest of their family to America. Just allowing illegals into the country with a free pass just because they're willing to work IS a gross insult to immigrants who worked so hard to get here.

    + It's really insulting how democrats / the left view illegals as some ignorant mass who should be treated like children and given a free pass. Just look at how they talk to them on TV, they dumb down their speeches, they talk to non-white people in a manner that you'd speak to children. It's really gross stuff.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. john redcorn

    john redcorn strangers like me VIP Emerald

    only degenerate hacks vote for the republican party :(
    • Dumb Dumb x 2
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  16. Hongo

    Hongo VIP

    fun fact - the democratic party was the one that was in favor of slavery. :confused:
    • Dumb Dumb x 2
  17. Jabba the Slut

    Jabba the Slut That's Kinky! Lead Admin VIP Silver

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  18. john redcorn

    john redcorn strangers like me VIP Emerald

    my definition of degenerate hacks is the hardworking americans who are stuck in this elective pickle between trump and biden, and go with the guy who might strengthen our economy, our livelihood at the further cost of respect from our own people and the rest of the world after living through an epidemic late into his term which one may argue that was horribly mismanaged. Sorry, if you vote for this guy, I respect you and your decision, but you are helping the effort to make the rest of us look like degenerate hacks towards the global scale. If you are making the rest of us look like degenerate hacks, i think its safe to say you should bear the title yourself
    • Agree Agree x 2
  19. Hongo

    Hongo VIP

    • Confusing Confusing x 1
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  20. john redcorn

    john redcorn strangers like me VIP Emerald

    i am also a degenerate hack since i voted for trump btw
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