Absolutely nothing. I go to work every day just like any other person. I come home and either watch movies or play games until its time for bed. Rinse and repeat.
I could say that i'm smart, tall, athletic, knowledgable of at least four languages, play on a nitro 5 an515-53, have friends from around the world, have been scammed in life, made it through depression, seen what i could do, conquer my fears, accept the way things became, becoming a SPL for boy scouts, have a mullet, be very patriotic, dislike anime, feel a new beginning like a certain girl, be one of millions of sperm to make it to the egg successfully and turn into a zygote, survive scarlet fever, survive a 10 ft fall on my neck, turn around with my parents, restart my life, grow a beard, shave a beard, seen a UFO, go hunting, and fishing, and live in minnesota, and be the only soul human being name Cole who will never ever have a completely identical person with the same qualities, traits, mindset, and abilities like i do