Invalid Report against Nilz

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by PirateShip, Apr 28, 2020.

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  1. Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    Time of Occurence:
    Reason For Report:
    He is continuing to mass rdm and threaten anyone who says they will report him. I have recorded and screenshot several instances of such which will me posted in this report.

    As soon as a staff arrived on the server (Logan) he went completely afk responding to reports then stoped rdming.

    You wanted more proof Nilz, here you go! :) And don't forget the original prop massrdm from the first report.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    Screenshot 1:

    Video 1:
    "I am the propkiller now"

    Video 2:

    Video 3:
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2020
  2. RhazhBash

    RhazhBash Professional Button Presser VIP

    Your video links aren't working. Can you try uploading them to a different site?
  3. I put the "review" links by accident. They should now work.
  4. nikki

    nikki Dutch female gamer: cocky, rude/toxic. Banned VIP Bronze

  5. nikki

    nikki Dutch female gamer: cocky, rude/toxic. Banned VIP Bronze

  6. nikki

    nikki Dutch female gamer: cocky, rude/toxic. Banned VIP Bronze

    video still isnt working, also you are super petty, Logan was online the entire time so why didn't you report me in game.
    hope u enjoyed sitting in spectator the entire map lmao
  7. Videos all work fine on my end, if they don't work for the staff let me know. Also Nilz, Logan was not on the entire time. When he joined you went afk for 3 rounds probabilly responding to reports with BS and then stopped propkilling.
  8. nikki

    nikki Dutch female gamer: cocky, rude/toxic. Banned VIP Bronze

  9. Also, as shown in video 2, Hongo_Smash (STEAM_0:1:65842671) has been doing this with him as well.
  10. Nilz you must not understand how to refresh a website because they all have worked for quite some time, but thanks for the help.
  11. nikki

    nikki Dutch female gamer: cocky, rude/toxic. Banned VIP Bronze

    oh pardon me, my scriptblocker was blocking the vimeo vids
  12. nikki

    nikki Dutch female gamer: cocky, rude/toxic. Banned VIP Bronze

    notice how the round ended in video 2 after they killed me?

  13. Nilz, if my goal was to record you rdming, why would I record your dead body? I don't think we are supposed to be having a conversation in the comments of a report so I will stop now.
  14. nikki

    nikki Dutch female gamer: cocky, rude/toxic. Banned VIP Bronze

    let me get my nerd on

    Video 1: HashTag passed an unid'd body at the start of the round, I was reported for this ingame and Logan handled it, you would have known this if you would have reported me in game, instead of on the forums where there is a lot less information available, I honestly think this is just deceitful behavior in a petty attempt to get me banned.

    Video 2: I was a traitor, again, deceitful behavior. P E T T Y

    Video 3: What am I looking at here?

    Logan didn't leave untill the next map. Please warn this monkey for backseat moderating.
  15. Nilz, In video 1 the round had actually started seconds before (You can tell by the timer...) and HashTag had killed 0 people, which can be seen when I identified his body. If Logan would like to comment they are welcome, but your story is nonsense. The round had just started mere seconds before, there were no bodies anywhere around him, and you stated in the chat that you planned on propkilling. It is good to note that as far as I am aware Logan was not on the server at that time and only joined later. The "He passed an unidied body" excuse has long been used to get away with rdm, and doesn't negate video evidence as it is he said/she said.

    Video 2: You were not a traitor. If you have any evidence to the contrary feel free to present it. The witnesses (victims) in dead chat can be heard talking about your rdm spree.

    Video 3: While you didn't kill anyone, you are seen attempting to do so several times.

    Nilz, this was an amusing attempt to fake being some innocent victim in this scenario, quite different than your language in game bragging about evidence being wiped (report 1), saying you will rdm if someone reports you (picture above) ETC.. This nonesense about me being some sadistic person faking all this can be easily disproven if you listen to video 2 and hear everyone in the dead chat complaining about your constant propkill. Also, in the server after I made this report you started calling me a "Faggot" for reporting you. Nice try, but good luck getting anyone to believe this nonsense.
  16. nikki

    nikki Dutch female gamer: cocky, rude/toxic. Banned VIP Bronze

    Honey, this isn't just about you. We get it, you're a kissass to anyone who isn't me. You've rated literally every post I've made dumb, and opposed me in every forum post that involves you at some time. You're on the verge of a report yourself.

    The whole point of reporting people and why it was created was to RDM and target and harass me (which was really just an excuse to target me). I'm talking about more users who have pursued this behavior, and getting them removed from the server. I also did not continue to spam it, or use it to harass anyone or make anyone feel uncomfortable. reporting me has, and always will be malicious in my eyes because it was created to ruin the gaming experience online SeriousTTT, in game and online the forums.
  17. dazza

    dazza Banned VIP Bronze

    alright ladies break it up, this has become an argument which isnt really adding anything else that hasnt already been said if anyone has anything to add that may be beneficial to the outcome of this report hit us staff up, untill then its remaining locked untill its handled
  18. Irish

    Irish SGMs Residential Frog-min VIP

    Given the fact that for the first video we can't definitively prove whether he passed an unided or not given the fact that there was one death in the round prior shown here
    the second video shown makes it clear that nilz was a T and the third shows only him prop pushing at most there isn't enough to support any kind of punishment on its own, the only thing that has traction is the responses shown above and the screenshot of nilz threatening to rdm players who report him. Since he's banned and there's no essentially conclusive evidence here for further investigation I will be closing this report, and marking it invalid
    Thanks for taking the time to report

    Report : Invalid
    Thread: Locked
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