Scary shit that’s happened to you

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by Elvis, Apr 19, 2020.

  1. Elvis

    Elvis TheRockStars VIP Silver

    Post here some real shit that happened to you.

    One night about a year back my friend and I had just gotten off work, it was around 1 am. He asked me if I wanted to smoke and chill out for a while and I said sure. We went off to our usual spot, which was a big public park in the middle of a highly populated town. We get there and park our car facing towards the woods. In the woods is a 3.5 mile long trail that wraps the entire park. We could see one of the 3 entrances ahead of us. Behind the entrance we could also see the train tracks which spanned the length of the park. My friend and I are chilling smoking a blunt when we here a very loud bang. It sounded like metal on metal, almost like a blacksmith hitting an anvil. It was loud enough to spook the birds in the area. We stared into the dark woods for a few minutes before shrugging it off. Moments later we here another sound. The best way I can describe it is a whip being popped, and then another noise like a chain being scraped on a metal floor. The pop was as loud as the bang we heard earlier but the scrape was relatively quiet in comparison. At this point we are freaked out, high af, and wondering what the fuck we should do. We hear the same noise again, and again. The noise was following a pattern almost. *POP* *scrape* The noise was getting closer and closer to us. I flipped my headlights on to see into the woods just waiting for something to show us a reasonable explanation for what is happening. The noise gets even closer and closer, and then it stops. After 5 or 10 minutes of arguing with my friend for us to get out of the area he finally agrees and we start to drive away.

    To this day he still blames it on the weed, but I know there’s no way we were BOTH tripping and hearing the same noise. There was no train, no other body that we could see anywhere. We haven’t gone to the park since.
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  2. Shelbutt

    Shelbutt VIP

    Just yesterday.
    So tiny bit of backstory, my father in law recently passed away. His house has always been...weird. Lights being turned on while he's asleep, (he lives alone) and a bunch of other stories I wont get into.
    Anyway, we were at his house celebrating his birthday. It was later afternoon, I was the only one in the house. I was walking to get my switch off the tv stand, when out of the corner of my eye I notice, I can't see down the hall. It's pitch black. There's a window in that hallway, you should've been able to see. And the darkness? Its' creeping closer to me. Before I even noticed this tho, I don't know if you've ever had your fear response go off for no reason. As if ever ounce of your body is screaming RUN!! . I dont get like that, even when weird shit happens at my house. Needless to say, I ran the fuck out of that house. I didn't mention anything to my BF. He later went back inside to grab something and when he came back, he mentioned the EXACT same thing happened to him, and he's a very no-nonsense kinda guy.
    I believe in the paranormal and the unexplained but I dont' like to jump to conclusions about stuff. but fuck man. I don't know how else to describe what happened.
  3. Dodley27

    Dodley27 Dolfin VIP Bronze

    The toilet paper ran out while I was shitting and nobody was home
    • Old Old x 2
    • Dumb Dumb x 1
  4. Panduh

    Panduh I love ass VIP

    I was just chillin at a female's house alone yk yk? then her mom came home. hid behind a chair that looked like a recliner. shit had me scared asf
  5. Moleman

    Moleman Dr Pepper Enthusiast VIP

    One time I was gaming and I heard a tap on my bedroom window (my bedroom is on the second floor) and I opened my blinds and there was a motherfucking crow outside my window scared me half to death
    • Funny Funny x 3
  6. ThatAintFalco

    ThatAintFalco You should’ve followed the damn train CJ VIP

    When I was 3 years old me and my mom were sitting on a horse at my uncle's farm and we both fell off and hit the ground. Not sure if the horse was spooked or not it was a long time ago. Nothing too major except maybe a giant bruise.
    • Old Old x 2
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  7. Vent Xekart

    Vent Xekart VIP Bronze

    I think this was back in 2013 but one night when I was making my way home from my afternoon courses and when I was walking through the neighborhood at night I saw this skinny and scraggly-looking mutt roaming around across the street. I thought it was a stray dog at first and since it didn't seem to acknowledge not notice me I shrugged it off and carried on until I made it home. Told my Mom about it and she asked me to describe it.

    She told me that wasn't a dog, it was a fucking coyote. I don't know why it ignored me but I'm damn sure if it didn't I might've had to run away from it or fight it off.
  8. WizPrank

    WizPrank New Member

    I was running in the forest, stepped into a pit, and broke my leg. There was no phone signal available, so I had to get out of it by myself.
    • Informative Informative x 2
  9. AndrewB

    AndrewB VIP

    I was just chilling at this girls parents house. We were fooling around and then I hear a door open and she said “shit... it’s my boyfriend”. I turn to her and say, “wait, what???”. She’s like “GET IN THE FUCKING CLOSET BEFORE HE SEES YOU”. I quickly get into the closet and pray to something holy. I hear the door open and I see her boyfriend through the slit of the doors. I’m thinking to myself what have I gotten myself into. Suddenly, the closet doors open and Rachel is looking at me and mouths the words “jump out of my window”. I’m about to jump out a 2 story building and probably break my legs. Needless to say her boyfriend found out I was home so I had no choice but to get the fuck out of her house and never come back. I jump out the window and I stick the landing and I rush to my car and as soon as I got to my car I opened snapchat and blocked Rachel’s boyfriend on Snapchat. Turns out I knew him and he was an old friend.
    • Winner Winner x 3
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  10. LBPotatoes

    LBPotatoes That’s so crunchy VIP

    Part 2?
  11. Irish

    Irish SGMs Residential Frog-min VIP

    I jumped across a ditch when i was younger and it was fairly deep, im ngl my unathletic ass did not stick the landing, long story short im in a like 6 foot ditch but its like 3/4 feet the otherside (like climb out able) with multiple broken toes and bone fractures and chips in one of my feet and i had to crawl my ass out of it and make the 25 minute walk home on my own with a broke ass foot >_> fun time, ah youth and all that

    Edit: its actually the same foot i broke last year, i fell again (in my house this time cause of renovations) and broke my foot, apparently its super week cause of all the damage anyways im not supposed to break it again because it could be bad bad and like need surgery
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  12. Makuzi

    Makuzi Now we all pray blood stains wash away VIP Silver

    I went to a day camp with other First Nations and Inuit about 11 years ago. One of the counselors was sharing a story about spirits that are shape shifters. They're called 'Wendigo's by the Algonquins (some other tribes in USA use the same name but have different beliefs to what Wendigo's are). After the story ended, we got sketched out walking back to our cabins and we instinctively ran. We got back to the cabin, half of us already passed out. A few of us start discussing about the story about the wendigo, feeling how strange and creepy it would be to witness one.

    , about a half hour later, we tried to get some sleep. Before we passed out, we saw one of the counselors from the other cabin walk in. 'What's up?' my roommate asks. He didn't say anything, but his eyes looked different, almost as if he had a huge bong rip right before coming in our cabin. He looked at both my roommate and I, then walked out.

    Btw, that counselor was in the other cabin the entire night.
    • Informative Informative x 2
  13. Lovisa

    Lovisa His queen :3 VIP

    I was on a boat in Thailand when the driver cut the corner too fast and the boat tipped, me and my friend got thrown out into the middle of the ocean without life jackets on and when i got thrown i was smashed against the side of that boat. We managed to swim back and climb on again and return to the shore. When walking back to our hotel i noticed that one of my shoes was getting really wet and thats when my friend screamed "oh my god your leg!". I have a massive gash on my thigh and had blood dripping down my leg. I still have a fun scar from it :)
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 3
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  14. Now you just somebody that I used to know VIP Silver

    I got bit by a spider camping and it ending up oozing for like the next 2 days after medical treatment :(
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  15. Bruno

    Bruno In time all things are possible VIP Bronze

    There are many times i almost died, so lets get through them… lmao

    1. The first one is when i was at the age of 6 probably, i fell down from a second floor luckily on the grass… was in hospital for 10 days

    2. The second one was when i was also a kid, probably age of 8, i was swimming in the water on the beach, suddenly saw interesting looking shell and tried to swim down deep, but i had something on my both arms that kept me afloat
    so i had to remove one of them so i can actually dive down, i didnt get the shell and i also lost one of that thing, thank god i didnt remove both of them from my arms, i would probably drown without anyone seeing me.
    But i can swim really good now so im not afraid to jump down in the deep water.

    3. Third time was at my friend's house, i was ringing a bell on his doorstep but no one was there, and then his dog ( Croatian Shepherd) came and started barking at me. He also damaged a postman's arm one time, was bleeding really bad.
    Luckily for me i wasnt running away nor staring at his eyes or trying to provoke him, i just stood still not knowing what to do. Then his father came to move away that dog, i still wonder what would happen if he didnt come.
    This made me want to prepare next time i get involved in such situations and now i know what to do.

    So this is what i wanted to share in this thread, i also have minor situations similar like these but no that serious or dangerous. :)
  16. Togo ✿

    Togo ✿ Nobody Gets it VIP Silver

    I don't reme,ber
  17. Indy226

    Indy226 Banned VIP Silver

    I was by the shore of a lake in the vast Minnesotan wilderness at dusk ( around 7 or 8 in August ) walking along hunting for deer when i decided to sit down because i had walked 10 miles ( 17 km ) through uneven terrain with about 50 lbs ( 22 kg ) of gear on my back plus my gun I was carrying in my arms for that past 10 mi. I was tired as hell so I climbed a nearby pine tree which had several big branches to hang my shit on and for me to lay down on. I climbed it and I layed my stuff down on a nearby branch and layed down on two large branches which were near each other but close enough to sit on both.
    I took a hour nap and woke up and looked at my watch and realized it was about 20 min before dark and my cousin's cabin was still at least 2 mi ( 5 km ) away. So I reached for my stuff and... well it was not there. I figured it must've fallen on the ground so I grabbed my gun lowered it, and slinged my gun over my shoulder and climbed down to the bottom. I got to the bottom and found my stuff to be nowhere in sight so I began looking around with a flashlight on my phone and still couldn't find my stuff. It was well after dark and I began to suspect an animal dragged my stuff somewhere nearby ( I had a couple energy bars in the bag ).
    So I began searching the area in a line by line pattern when I had the strangest feeling to turn around and look at the lake. I saw nothing but I felt like something was off so I walked down to the lake which was about a football fields' distance away. I walked down the shore and oh... my bag was sitting by the trunk of a burned tree ( probably struck by lightning ). I grabbed my bag and it didn't look like any of the energy bars were taken.
    I just remember pausing because it was strangely and eerily quiet with no noise. And this is the northern Minnesotan woods which has a shit ton of wildlife. There was no cricket chirps or birds or even wind. After the pause I grabbed my bag and started walking in the direction of my cousins cabin. I was walking and then about a mile from my cousins house I remembered. I had set my gun down by the burned tree on the beach.
    So I used a rope I had in my bag and tied my bag high enough on a nearby tree so it wouldn't get shredded by any animals. I started jogging back to the tree cause it was well past 10 at that point and very dark, the moon lit my path. I got to the burned tree and grabbed my gun. And turned around to start running back. And then... I heard this like low hum noise.
    It sounded like a train but from a distance. The thing was the nearest town was about 20 miles away and that town had no train tracks. I was confused but I started jogging back to my bag in the tree and I just remember the hum getting more and more clear and sounded like it was getting closer. I started jogging and soon running faster and faster out of panic and then I reached my bag and turned around to see nothing and the sound to be gone. And it was dead silent.
    I looked around the wilderness and sky with my scope to see nothing. I untied my bag and lowered it. Quickly had an energy bar ( I was dead at that point but adrenaline and fear was keeping me walking ). I started to walk back when I heard the hum again. It was also getting louder like it was getting closer. I immediately B lined for the nearest brush and found a little thick bush pile with vines and trees over it. I hid in there on the sand and dirt.
    When I started to think I was just hearing things a brilliant blue and white light crossed the sky at a tremendous speed. At first I thought it was a meteor ( those are quite common in the Minnesota woods with the clear skies ). But as soon as I noticed the light flying it suddenly stopped instantly. I never felt such a chill run my spine when I saw that happen. The light stood in the sky and after about a minute, then the light went down over the lake water. Hovering about 40 feet ( 12 m ) over the water.
    The light was some sort of craft but had almost no shape because of the bright white and blue light it was emitting. I saw it stay over the lake. My curiosity got the better of me, so I got out from the brush putting my bag at the little hole in the brush I was in. I took my gun with me and walked towards the shoreline. I got within about 10 ft ( 4 m ) from the shore when suddenly the craft made this weird scary noise hum thing. And suddenly the light it was emitting got dimmer and the craft shined a big bright white spotlight along the shoreline about a good two football fields to my left along the shore. I pulled my rifle up and looked down the scope to look at the craft better.
    I saw what looked like little windows. But even with the dimmer light it was hard to see much apart from whiteness inside. But I soon saw something that scared me immobile. A figure of something was standing in the window and appeared to be looking back out at me. All of a sudden the spotlight moved straight towards me really fast. I immediately pulled behind a nearby tree and watched the light go around the tree where I was standing. I felt so scared. I slowly sat down to grab a rock by my foot. I grabbed the rock and chucked it over to my right. The light immediately shined there.
    I thought about making a run for the brush pile I was in earlier but it was too far for me to make it in time without the light shining back. After about five minutes the craft started moving along the shore shining it's super bright white light. I finally got the courage to look around the tree with my rifle to see the craft about four or five football fields away. I looked at my watch to realize it still read 10:21 pm. Which was impossible and I figured my watch's battery ran out. I pulled out my phone and my phone was dead. I had three mobile chargers with me when I was hunting earlier and my phone was at 84% when I last checked it. I had no idea what time it was or a way to call for help.
    But I looked out from behind the tree again to see the craft well down the lake shore. I pulled up my rifle to look again when suddenly. The craft's spotlight went off. The craft became super bright again and almost instantly flew to the center of the lake. The craft got brighter and brighter as it stood in the center of the lake. And after two minutes, the craft shot up into the sky and flew away at a incredible speed. With the craft gone I immediately ran straight towards my cousin's house. I started hearing a hum again and I was so fucking scared. I soon got sight of the lights of my cousin's cabin and the hum soon went away.
    I ran to the door and opened it. I walked in to my uncle and a cousin around his age sitting on chairs watching TV. My dad got mad at first but I explained what had happened and that I had left my bag out there. He told me we'll go check it out tomorrow. I walked to my room and immediately sat down and layed on the bed.
    I looked at the clock and it read 12:34. I felt scared but so tired from the day. I fell asleep quickly on my bed. I woke up at 7:46 and got up from my bed and walked into the bathroom to pee. After i peed I looked into the mirror and looked at myself. I was covered with some white blue dust and my skin looked like it was a little sunburned. After about 30 min, my dad woke up and we both went out to go get my bag and check out the area. We got there and the entire area had this white blue dust over all the plants. I spotted my bag and grabbed it. It was covered in the same white blue dust. My dad believe me when he saw all this about the whole story.

    To this day I have no clue what happened that night. But after some time my cousins sold the cabin to some shit people who basically abandoned it and it started collapsing I have never been to that cabin since that night. This took place about three years ago. I have told several people, some believing some not. I have plans to go back to that cabin to check it out. But I became a believer that night.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2020
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  18. Scarwolf

    Scarwolf Active Member

    Oh i used to see ghosts as a kid
    • Winner Winner x 1
  19. AndrewB

    AndrewB VIP

    Your story is really long, you should add pictures to make it more engaging like in a kid's book.
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2020
    • Informative Informative x 1
  20. Indy226

    Indy226 Banned VIP Silver
