Completed Report against Pan

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Tayco, Apr 11, 2020.

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  1. Tayco

    Tayco Member

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    6 Rounds Remaining
    Time of Occurence:
    Reason For Report:
    Pan who was my fellow traitor buddy decided to just troll and purposely ruin my traitor round by t-baiting and including my name as she told everyone I was her t-buddy. She also didn't stop after I literally got pissed off, and she kept doing it on purpose. She wasn't slayed at all, as Andrew was afk at the time.

    She also ratted out Gimlet for being our traitor buddy as well. His round was ruined also.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    I always record my sessions on Garry's mod, so here is video evidence of the incident.

  2. Coinston

    Coinston "But what if Robots" - Chris Wedge VIP

    Tagging @Pan to hear their side of the story
  3. Frost

    Frost Frosted Pun King VIP

    @Voca was there as well

    Also my best advice to you is, don't feed into Pan. It's like feeding the fire my dude
  4. Tayco

    Tayco Member

    I totally know, but really ruining my traitor round is annoying.
  5. Pan

    Pan Member

    Heyo! I thought I'd add to this. There is an additional context to both Tayco, Kappi and a few other peeps (I have a vid that I will post shortly as a separate post, though it does not include Tayco) had been on some kind of Vendetta against my person. With the context that Tayco had been voicing how legitimately annoyed they were at me for several rounds, I had assumed that "I'm going to literally kill my T-Buddy in a sec" and "You'll give me a thousand points if I kill pan?" were actually them wanting to kill me on the spot. I did absolutely T-bait them at that point in time, but I hadn't been tabbed out until the point where I started talking in voice chat, so I had no knowledge my traitors had killed the innocents around me not half a minute before I started calling detectives.

    Yeahp, I did T-bait and admit Tayco to be the Traitor, and I was promptly reported, and Slain(? Correct me if I am wrong, I am fairly certain that this happened) for this behavior (Also reprimanded through DM's). I don't call out my Traitor buddies, I take my T-rounds (Mostly) seriously, but I feel like this accusation came from a biased and anger-fueled place, taking into context everything Tayco said previous and after the fact. Is this worth a ban? Is toxicity worth a ban, asking me to kill myself? If mods deem it as so. I'm sorry that you feel that way about me.
  6. Tayco

    Tayco Member

    I do not have a vendetta against you, I just dislike you as a person in general. You called us out and then of course I am going to say shit like "kill yourself" and of course not literally actually mean go kill yourself. I was really annoyed and tired, since I was only traitor once that entire map. Then to have it ruined moments later after it started, by you.
  7. Pan

    Pan Member

    Please understand that the "Jokes" you make on the spot may be perceived by "Jokes" by you alone, not anyone else. When you talk about killing your Traitor buddy for 1000 points, I may, for a second, even think that you're seriously considering it. I was under threat of having my own Traitor round ruined, too, yet I didn't report nor called the admins on you. I could also argue that I was "Joking" in the same vein and foundation you are basing this report on, but I won't. I legitimately didn't want you to RDM me.
  8. Tayco

    Tayco Member

    If I wanted to ruin your traitor round, I would just rdm you. Throughout that entire game, people talked about rdming you multiple times. I simply played along, so I didn't get recognized as a traitor.
  9. Pan

    Pan Member

    Strange! I could swear that you were using the Traitor only voice chat to talk about killing your traitor buddy!
  10. Tayco

    Tayco Member

    Mm, I also did say in public voice chat about going along to kill you for 1k points, which I then had to go along with to not be seen as a Traitor.
  11. Tayco

    Tayco Member

    But clearly I didn't kill you, and I continued to planting C4
  12. Adlactor Nell

    Adlactor Nell Advertiser Friendly, Right out of the box! VIP

    @Tayco While Pan may have told the terrorists and detectives ingame that you were a T, telling people to kill themselves isnt the way to solve it, you partially did the right thing by telling andrew (if you did) but please in the future refrain from saying such comments.
    @Pan Why in the actual hell would you tell the terrorists about your t-buddies? if you have an issue with one of them then talk to a mod or admin.
  13. Pan

    Pan Member

    I'm dumb and was reprimanded for it. There is no excuse. I'm sorry for my behavior.
  14. Tayco

    Tayco Member

    I understand my way of saying shit; wasn't the best. I actually did message andrew; I simply cut the end of it as the clip was laggy
  15. Voca

    Voca o.o Administrator VIP

    Hello @Tayco
    Sorry for the delay in picking this up, been a lil busy and havent been on for the late part of easter.

    If I recall correctly about this, I dont believe I slayed pan, due to you never getting damaged or killed by the KoS itself that Pan called you which makes the report invalid.
    I did warn @Pan ingame via a pm about that behavior tho, and told em that doing so regardless of reason is toxic, and that they shouldnt do that.

    Now the server was a bit hectic at the time, so have me excused if I remember incorrectly, but give me some time and I will check my recording through from that day, to see if I can clear this up ^^

    Edit: after checking my recordings I noticed a mistake on my part, after dealing with the hacker that came on the server during that map, I ended my recording but forgot to start it again right after I had dealt with him, and only recorded again later, which means Im missing a recording of a few rounds including the one this happened during.

    I know for sure that I didnt slay Pan and warned em.

    But Im going to hop on anc check old logs if I was right about not slaying for it.
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2020
  16. Voca

    Voca o.o Administrator VIP

    After confirming it with our old logs:

    I went through the whole damagelog for that round, and th reason Pan wasnt slain was due to the KoS on you or the other guy didnt lead to any of you getting shot, the only times you and the other guy got shot was right after engaging a fight with other players, which leads to them shooting you both in selfdefense rather than for the KoS. So the RDM spec of this report is Invalid

    Now the report is still going to be valid, based on @Pan 's actions being on the toxic side, while they may have gotten harassed a lot, they kept sending me screenshots of private pms they recieved, the false KoSing T buddies was still not the right way to go through it.
    @Pan take this as an more official warning to not KoS your Tbuddies no matter what its toxic and can lead to lots of RDM or Metagaming.

    If any follow up questions feel free to message me either on steam, forums or over discord ^^
    Report Complete. o.o)/
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