Invalid Report against Nell

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Sethy, Mar 22, 2020.

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  1. Sethy

    Sethy Member

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    Last Round
    Time of Occurence:

    Reason For Report:
    I'm reporting nell for his incompetence and lack of knowledge of the rules as a staff member to properly judge and handle reports and situations. he had cost me traitor and detective rounds due to his inability to correctly judge cases. such as this one. 67thway minecraft map. last round. barn area. i scoped the the entire area out. confirmed no one. and no way someone could be there and then sat in the sniper tower with a scout rifle. then a traitor exitted the barn. i shot him dead. i got reported. i explained everything perfectly in detail to nell and yet. after a few rounds. he gave me a slay and cost me another round. Mind you. Fear the admin had exclusively told me a few months back if i know an area is absolutely clear and someone just appeared in it and they're not a detective. i have every right to shoot them for a traitorous act.
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    As mentioned above. Fear told me what i needed to know.​
  2. Adlactor Nell

    Adlactor Nell Advertiser Friendly, Right out of the box! VIP

    I've seen this and I will respond shortly.
  3. Sethy

    Sethy Member

    [​IMG] Just leaving this here casually. Yes i checked everything accordingly. i assure you. the barn was a literal ghost town.
  4. Dodley27

    Dodley27 Dolfin VIP Bronze

    This is relevant don't warn. The barn area in that map is big. Therefore, to rule out the possibilities that they entered through the entrance or were there before, you MUST have been looking at the entrance while also seeing every possible spot for someone to be in, all at the same time, which is physically impossible due to the many walls and the limitations of the sniper tower. Thus your kill is a kill on suspicion.
  5. Sethy

    Sethy Member

    That didnt really stop the report on aegis by disCHQ (i believe)
  6. disCHQ report only was valid due to a lack of evidence on aegis part
  7. Sethy

    Sethy Member

    Okay fair enough. but still. Fear's statement is there if you want.
  8. not my report but in that report by dis you will see that the conclusion was reached that and i quote "There are other ways into the barn that would be impossible to watch at the same time as the others (back window boost). Furthermore, in walking round to the ladder, you would have had to leave the front doors unwatched, voiding your common sense claim as maro could've walked in,"
  9. Sethy

    Sethy Member

    I Did what i had to do according to the rule 7 of common sense in the TTT extended rules. plus that statement by fear can help me in that situation. Sorry alucard but. i cant let this one pass. I Mean. to me. and i had checked and made sure accordingly to the barn was safe. and completely clear. inside. outside and ontop. no one was there other than me. and then that guy showed up. from inside the barn. no backdoors or anything. he just walked out the front door and i shot him dead.
  10. Adlactor Nell

    Adlactor Nell Advertiser Friendly, Right out of the box! VIP

    Hey there Sethy,
    Alright so here's the DS of what had occured:

    Here is the report:

    Alright so sethy I was confused on what to do with your report since you claimed that you had searched the entire premise of the other side of the map so I asked my fellow mods and admins on what I should do, as shown below this was what one of them had to say, and yes fear probably said that you can kill them if you are certain that the area was clear and empty.
    The reason why I had slain you was due to the circumstances it happened in such as: human error, (you probably might have missed a spot even if you said you are certain), and the restrictions of the tower.
    I will leave the rest for Cred to clear up.
  11. Sethy

    Sethy Member

    error occured. cant watch vid. (nvm scratch that. watched it via clicking the title) also i think when i had entered the barn after scoping the outside first. i had closed it (the front doors) behind me but i am NOT sure..even then. there is no possible way one person can go from point a. to point b so quickly from gate to the barn as i did not hear other footsteps on the grass.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2020
  12. Credence

    Credence Demon Lord VIP

    Heya, just letting you know that I've seen this and I'll be looking over it!
  13. Credence

    Credence Demon Lord VIP

    Alright, so after some deliberation between myself and other members of the administration, the conclusion has been reached that the barn area is too large of an area to properly "scout out" and ensure that nobody is actually there without giving somebody a chance to get inside when you cannot see them. You can enter through the roof of the barn, you can also have boosted above the walls while you were walking away, and the reason you didn't hear them was that they were crouching or walking slowly. The area is also so large that you could not check every single corner properly without letting somebody sneak past you, if you say you made sure every corner was empty, that gives more time for somebody to come around a corner you've already checked and hide there for you to leave. While that would be suspicious, it wouldn't allow you to kill them either, this area is simply too large to be able to properly rule out somebody walking in and being able to kill somebody leaving the barn for teleporting, the common sense rule in this case should be used when you WATCH that area for somebody to leave it, the closet is a good example as you can watch the hallway and see all the other entrances/exits, eg the door. This report is Invalid, if you'd like to have a conversation with me further you can message me on discord or start a conversation with me on the forums here. Thanks for reporting!

    Report: Invalid
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