That is awesome man, I love going on backpacking trips. One of my bucket list items is to hike the entire Appalachian trail which is about 2,200 miles (3,500 km). So far I have only done a small section of about 50 miles, but I will go back and do the whole thing at once.
Help spread awareness about poor kids in poor countries. Through Compassion, World Vision, etc. Help spread the need for fresh water around the globe. Learn to preach the gospel. Learn to play the guitar/piano. Travel the world and meet all my amazing friends. Start and raise a family. Become a truck driver. I used to also have, get a sponsor child and become a mod. Both happened since I sponsor 2 children now and I'm a stinky mod
1. Sky Diving 2. Trying out alot of guns and owning em since I'm into that 3. Building my own PC 4. Travelling to Germany, NL and Good Ol 'Merica 5. Getting a motorcycle