High School Incident

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by MemesOnAStick, Jul 31, 2019.

  1. Fiz

    Fiz local jihad pro VIP Bronze

    someone found a porn vid of a sub and spread it around.
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  2. Lordyhgm

    Lordyhgm Spiteful smells Lead Admin VIP

    Oh and yeah, one of the teachers was caught doing a line of coke in the break room and given he taught geography I really don't blame him
    • Funny Funny x 4
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  3. BorkWoof

    BorkWoof VIP

    i thought my school had it bad
  4. Saturnity

    Saturnity SGMs Personal Planet VIP

    uhhhh.. well where to start

    We had a bomb threat multiple times, lots of officers were around the school those days.
    Someone set a giant dumpster on fire

    Someone set a small trash can on fire in a bathroom and it fell over and put fire all over the floor.
    (someone also set a toilet on fire?)

    Old music teacher was arrested for being a pedo

    One of my teachers acted high all the time, he talked about shooting up people with an ak "jokingly" and he ended up randomly leaving halfway through the year, never to be seen again, like the dude didn't even officially quit, he just left.

    Another teacher was a "far out" dude, he was chill as fuck, came to school coming off a high from weed, one of my favorite teachers, taught really well too. He got sick of the staff all being POSs and ended up quitting a couple weeks before school ended. lotta holes in the wall, he liked throwing shit.

    highschool has been gr8. all this was in like.. a 1 1/2 year span.

    edit: remembered some more
    some special-ed kid close to the end of the year decided to punch the giant auditorium glass that is already old and about to break, just for fun. whole thing shattered.

    personal story: was in autos class, changing oil + oil filter in a car, car was up on a lift. This girl, some other dude, and I were standing under it, the girl unscrewed the filter super fast instead of letting the pressure out, the filter like exploded off (keep in mind, car was just running to drive it into the shop, ran for a little to make the oil come out smoother)
    all the hot oil blasted all over me, or at least all below my neck. Didn't feel good. Not much got on them.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2019
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  5. food

    food VIP

    ...can i get the sauce???:notworthy:
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2019
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  6. Adrian Shephard

    Adrian Shephard VIP Silver

    idk if this count.
    our class was considered the number one class of all of the 1st year in high school until the third term when someone pervi from our class put a used condome on the desk, the math teacher came and saw that she almost passed out, our class degraded from being number one to the last one,and then all the school heard about this and weve became like cool kids
    'i live in a muslim country so putting condome's / sexual stuff are prohibited'
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  7. .shirt

    .shirt VIP

    School put up signs to stop putting semen in the sink because it was clogging it.
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  8. Tony Danza

    Tony Danza Regular Member

    Creator of MySpace graduated from mine. Has been irrelevant for years otherwise
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  9. Bubonic

    Bubonic Burning heretics since M31 VIP

    Couple of hidden camera's were found in the girls bathroom, nobody ever found the person that planted them
  10. Hashira

    Hashira VIP

    • Funny Funny x 2
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  11. KingAngel

    KingAngel The 50 year old 13 year old VIP

    There was two big ones that happened after I got the boot from the school, but still pretty interesting. The first was that some kid decided to bring mercury to school and started to start pouring it on some of the desks because why not so the school shut down for a few days. Second one was a two kids had gang related beef so they decided to take it to the bathroom and duke it out when one was losing he decided to stab the kid and the kid that got stabbed still alpha tanked over him. But instead of going anywhere to get help after being stabbed he decided to go to P.E and start working out. Not sure why he thought that was a good idea but that was my school. And there were a few cases of teachers getting caught having sexual relations with students.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  12. RB1008

    RB1008 VIP

    What kind of fucked up schools you guys have damn,

    I dont even have a story that made the news or stuff...most exciting thing was when we teamed up with kids from another school in the city to beat up the kids of the 3rd school in the city.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  13. Death

    Death May we meet again. VIP Bronze

  14. Rauno

    Rauno   VIP

    Reading this thread I was like wtf the US have shooting/bomb threats super often but then I also remembered that we kind of had one in middle school.

    News stories (in Finnish): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
  15. .shirt

    .shirt VIP

    We’re some crazy mfs
    • Agree Agree x 4
  16. tz-

    tz- feelin it VIP Emerald

    bruh my school was on a military base so our lockdowns were more strict than just normal schools and you know we had some fucked up kids right, we had at least one active shooter or bomb threat every year which made the military, military police and regular police come through each time

    it was fun especially when the school is smart enough to start the lockdown before 1st period starts and puts everyone in the gym like thats not potentially unsafe right
    • Informative Informative x 3
  17. DarkShiny

    DarkShiny Just guilty me NOW, boi VIP Silver

  18. Fenrir Lokison

    Fenrir Lokison Banned VIP+

    That's what i Always Thought.
    If an intelligent person was to start a shooting, he'D group up with some people to cover every major exit and just activate the fire alarm so everone tries to go outside. then you just start killing them all
  19. twitch.tv/echostorm2k ⚔️

    twitch.tv/echostorm2k ⚔️ screwdriver Banned VIP Silver

    someone didnt have their shirt tucked in fully once
    • Informative Informative x 2
    • One time a kid allegedly brought a gun into school and the campus had a lockdown, rumor spread that the kid was arrested but police said they never found a gun
    • A bomb threat was called within a mile from the school and we had a lockdown
    • The architecture teacher was diagnosed with cancer and died after i graduated
    • Some perv was tried to kidnap a junior/senior girl and failed, turned out it wasn't his first attempt and it made the news https://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/...tempted-Kidnapping-in-Whittier-195789781.html
    • A girl made a teacher lose his job. She claimed that she was sexually assaulted by an English teacher so police got involed. Students knew her to be a liar and also knew she didn't like the teacher, so some people suspected she made up the story to get back at him for whatever reason. The case was eventually dropped since there was not enough evidence to build a case against him, but the teacher was forced to resign (before the case was dropped), which sucked becuase he was planning to retire very soon.
    I have a couple crazy middle school stories too but I guess that's not a part of the discussion (y)
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2019
    • Informative Informative x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1