Invalid Report against Credence, ThatAintFalco

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by CarbonatedMilk, Jul 30, 2019.

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  1. Name of Staff/Player:
    Credence, ThatAintFalco
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Credence: STEAM_0:0:54261593 Falco:confused:TEAM_0:0:172255827
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 1
    Which Map:
    Community Bowling
    Which Round:
    Time of Occurence:
    ~7:35 PM EST
    Reason For Report:
    Credence mishandled a report against ThatAintFalco when he RDMed me and called it crossfire without having any proof of it actually being crossfire. I requested to see the death scene and to have proof but Credence ignored all of my requests except for one where he simply copy+pasted a log of Falco getting DNA.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:

  2. Cash

    Cash I staff the proper way Banned VIP

  3. Cash

    Cash I staff the proper way Banned VIP

  4. He also immediately provided another player with his deathscene, but claimed that mine wasn't saved.
  5. Credence

    Credence Demon Lord VIP

    Heya, as I said in game. I sent him a screenshot you are asking for the video which I don't save except in my recordings. Anybody here will tell you not even Highwon could see your deathscene, since you told me to get it as the map was changing. I'll post my evidence when I have the ability to leave the server.
  6. ThatAintFalco

    ThatAintFalco You should’ve followed the damn train CJ VIP

    Well since I'm tagged in this I guess I can give my side in this. Basically, I was a detective on community bowling and I was approaching the tester I see a dead body right next to the doors leading into the room containing the tester. I proceed to grab DNA and I happened to see the guy right outside the tester room who had the alias M Man. The player who reported us was right in between me and the person I had DNA on, so I killed him accidentally in crossfire, claiming it was revenge RDM. I do not go out of my way just to revenge RDM someone because they killed me the previous round. Anyways, I then notice that M Man had gotten away and ran around the right side of the tester room and then I kill him and turns out he was innocent. As for the deathscene part, mods aren't able to access deathscenes from past maps when a new map is picked, they all disappear permanently. Seeing as this was the last round of the map, Credence probably didn't have enough time to gather the ds to show you, even after your countless attempts to question him to show you it.
  7. Credence

    Credence Demon Lord VIP

    Ok, so I've been able to take a quick break to gather the deathscene from the demo, and here it is

    As you can see, as I explained to you several times, Falco went up to this body, and grabbed DNA off of it. The DNA was pointing to M Man, as I also showed you the damageinfo for. M Man was right there with you, he shot at M Man and you moved into the way. Thus, this is a crossfire situation and is invalid.

    I'll tag @Irish again to go ahead and finish this up.
  8. Irish

    Irish SGMs Residential Frog-min VIP

    Alright, I've just woken up and gotten to this thanks for your patience,
    After reading through all responses and seeing the evidence given the kill you believe isn't revenge rdm like suggested but clearly crossfire when you look at the death scene
    Credence is correct in this situation as is Falco if the report was issued on the last round of the map it couldn't immediately gathered after map change by anyone.
    Thank you for taking time out of your day to report but I'm going to mark this report invalid as there were no wrongdoings or bad handling but once again thank you again.
    (If you have any further questions feel free to shoot me a message here or on discord

    Report : Invalid
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