Delete this post please

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by xxfallenstarxx, Sep 16, 2013.

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  1. bunnyman156

    bunnyman156 Member

    Re: Dawg Rdming and not doing his job

    He is rdming as a Detective
  2. HopeMagical

    HopeMagical New Member

    Re: Dawg Rdming and not doing his job

    I was a traitor and i was rdmed by my own T buddy by shooting me in the face with a deagle and he does nothing about it.
  3. SuperSkyCho

    SuperSkyCho Member

    Re: Dawg Rdming and not doing his job

    + 1
  4. bunnyman156

    bunnyman156 Member

    Re: Dawg Rdming and not doing his job

  5. Dawg Chowder

    Dawg Chowder Regular Member

    Re: Dawg Rdming and not doing his job

    You got killed at the end of the round of the map change, I couldn't check logs. If you have proof. Feel free to post it. I cannot slay without proof.
  6. SuperSkyCho

    SuperSkyCho Member

    Re: Dawg Rdming and not doing his job

    I didn't get get killed at the end i got killed around 3 minutes in you can ask happy gemera he saw it happen.
  7. Dawg Chowder

    Dawg Chowder Regular Member

    Re: Dawg Rdming and not doing his job

    Alright so, I'd first of all like to know who I RDMed. Because I haven't killed an inno in the past 10 rounds. Also never slaying people...."Never" meaning once, and "people" being the 1 person who you claimed rdmed you. Second off, Asty was a witness? So you're reporting me while I was 1) still alive & last part of round, 2) another mod was there that could have taken care of this for you, but instead you'd rather report me and cry about it.

    Like I said, I do not have evidence. So I can't slay.
  8. Re: Dawg Rdming and not doing his job

    Chowder this is not about the last round situation its for all the other people who can't stand up for what they believe in like hope magical and happygemera
  9. Dawg Chowder

    Dawg Chowder Regular Member

    Re: Dawg Rdming and not doing his job

    You must be a true hero for standing up for all those crippled men and women that are dying of starvation and don't have the energy to report me for stupid shit on the forums. It brings a tear to my eye how honorable you are ='(.

    (Try to elaborate)
  10. Re: Dawg Rdming and not doing his job

    honestly how do i delete this
  11. i dont know what you are talking about the post says nothing? i only see bump o_O
  12. As you said "Delete it" I will lock it so no other post may be posted.
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