Banned for fucking with my mate

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by The Doctor, Sep 16, 2013.

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  1. The Doctor

    The Doctor New Member

    Nickname: The Doctor

    So, a few days ago I was playing in the west server with a mate, potato11teen, and I was fucking with him and asked him if he was a T and he said yes, so I blew his head off. Well he wasn't upset by my action, but he jokingly said he was going to write the most detailed and try-hard RDM report. When he submitted the report he didn't think the mods would actually do anything about it. Clearly he was wrong when In a few seconds I texted him saying I was banned for 5 days on all servers. Even though what I did is subject to the punishment I've received I feel that my ban should be pardoned for the reasons of: my actions were only aimed at a person I personally know IRL, my actions were not malicious toward the server and the experience of its players, and that my record on the servers is clean of any misconduct besides when I first started playing and I thought it would be funny to shoot a guy and leave, but I have much more respect for the server and its mods to act like that anymore. I feel that my apology should be taken genuinely because if I were some random malicious asshole I wouldn't take the time to write my appeal and apologize for my actions. I enjoy how seriously you guys take the game and I would be very grateful to be allowed to play sooner.

    Thank you for taking the time to read my appeal and I hope your day is fantastic,
    The Doctor
  2. GunAndBomb

    GunAndBomb Explosive VIP

    Seems legit.
  3. The Doctor

    The Doctor New Member

  4. GunAndBomb

    GunAndBomb Explosive VIP

    In not a moderator so I can't do anything for you but I think you are telling the truth and should be given a second chance. Next time maybe tell a mod/admin that you are going to do something funny like that so they know.
  5. Thanks4TheFish

    Thanks4TheFish (Fish) Banned

    The admin who banned you will respond shortly please be patient.
  6. The Doctor

    The Doctor New Member

    I can have potato11teen give his testimony as well if that pleases the court.
  7. GunAndBomb

    GunAndBomb Explosive VIP

    It would help you if he did.
  8. potato11teen

    potato11teen New Member

    So I'm the m8 he's talking about, potato11teen. I'm not going to lie, it was hecka funny but it really sucks that the jokes got out of hand and he actually got banned. We took the 'serious' too leniently and I regret most of it (still hella funny). We love the hardcore players on this server and it's honestly the only ttt server we play on because of the community.

    Also, you couldn't pick any better word choice? "Fucking with my mate". Really...
  9. The Doctor

    The Doctor New Member

    Thanks David but I sat in front of this laptop for 20 minutes thinking "if my subject title is interesting I have better chances of getting unbanned" but then I was just like fuck it.
  10. GunAndBomb

    GunAndBomb Explosive VIP

    Yea this server isn't really about jokes and funniness, hence the "serious" part.
    (Between you and me the staff here is pretty uptight)
    But I hope the best for you guys and hopefully Dawg gets on shortly to help you out.
  11. Thanks4TheFish

    Thanks4TheFish (Fish) Banned

    The Admin has already responded to you, and his decision is final; this topic will be locked.
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