Rejected Trusted Members

Discussion in 'TTT Suggestions' started by Gonz, Sep 14, 2013.

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  1. Gonz

    Gonz Chill... VIP

    +1 to this idea. Whenever I get on, I'd like to keep the server clean. I believe that I would be a member to this. Just saying! So yeah, Highwon, make Trusted please thx <3
  2. Highwon

    Highwon Owner VIP Silver

    I will look into it.
  3. Gonz

    Gonz Chill... VIP

    Thank you for considering my suggestion. You should make it so you have to apply for it too. I want to help out with the server but I don't want to feel obligated to be on all the time.
  4. GunAndBomb

    GunAndBomb Explosive VIP

    I like the trusted idea maybe the trusted players can get some little commands ie. gag and muting
  5. Dawg Chowder

    Dawg Chowder Regular Member

    I don't know if this is a good idea or not. The one server I saw with this feature it was awful. Most of the "trusteds" were just people who thought they were above any rules because they were trusted. Most of them ran around crowbar fighting, and rdming other people as a joke. Then one innocent killed another innocent, it was clearly an accident but still was rdm. However instead of a slay, they had an option to "vote ban" and since all the "trusteds" were just a group of abusive friends they instanty banned that person because one of the "trusteds" was the innocent that died.

    The point to the story is that if this happens, there needs to be high restrictions to this feature. And in my opinion, nothing more than a label.
  6. ComPeter

    ComPeter VIP

    Trusted should be chosen by staff, not applied for.
  7. DieKasta

    DieKasta :Blackalien: Forever VIP

    I believe trusted should have to apply, but a section of the application should need to have the names of 3 staff members including 1 admin who have recommended said person for Trusted rank.
  8. Asty

    Asty Gotta live life VIP

    Staff choose.
  9. eduardopy

    eduardopy Banned

    I say staff chooses and reaches out to them. Or they apply and then staff chooses between people who apply. But I hope that Trusted is not taken lightly as Dawg mentioned.
  10. Gonz

    Gonz Chill... VIP

    Dawg, they would only make people trusted that are trusted. I don't think the trusted people would do that on this server. It shouldn't be a whole bunch of people, mostly ex-staff, like the retired thing eduardo suggested.
  11. ComPeter

    ComPeter VIP

    Just saying, (example)"Hello i am Peter and i would like to make an application to be one of your trusted friends."

    Well. You don't ask for trust, your earn it.
  12. Dawg Chowder

    Dawg Chowder Regular Member

    The only thing I don't want to see is a trusted member's word becoming stronger than a random player's, just because of the label "trusted". The main reason is because everyone RDMs, whether it's on purpose or accident, whether it's a general player, mod, admin, or even the server owner. And it would be easy to feel entitled to a more powerful word than the next guy because of being trusted. I believe everyone deserves an equal trial in an rdm case.

    A counter proposal is for admins/mods to personally mark who they personally trust.
  13. GunAndBomb

    GunAndBomb Explosive VIP

    Doesn't this already happen with moderators and admins?
  14. Gonz

    Gonz Chill... VIP

    That's what I thought. And again, they wouldn't pick people to have the "trusted" title that would be an asshole or think that they're above regulars.
  15. Skyrossm

    Skyrossm Ideal Female Moderator? VIP Emerald Bronze

    Trusted should get VoteSlay and VoteKick, also they can see the logs for last round, so they can mod when no other mods are online.
    • Like Like x 1
  16. ComPeter

    ComPeter VIP

    Everyone has access to the logs at the end of the round. Simply go into the console and type ttt_print_damagelog.
  17. Tianity

    Tianity Member

  18. Thanks4TheFish

    Thanks4TheFish (Fish) Banned

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