Y'all mostly cool people. You could probs find peoples' anyway, but dump yo steams or other stuff for people to find you by while we're all here and the memories are fresh. You're probably already friends with the people you know best here, but hit up someone new for a game of R6S or something <3 https://steamcommunity.com/id/LordyHGMofficial/
https://steamcommunity.com/id/Spooko/ Discord: Zuko#4529 Battle.net: Zuko#21756 Origin: Spurs8109 Epic Games: SpookySeagulls (Zuko was already taken )
Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Stitchmas/ Snapchat: giannigpg Battle.net: Agencyx#2233 League Of Legends: Minxíi (watch out for the second i it has a different dot)
Snap: scotty_boy626 (Please make sure your name is noticeable to me or pm me what your name is on there for me to add) Insta: msscottytrailmix Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/notogtrailmix/ Discord: msscottytrailmix (numbers will vary so just search for me to find me. Im sure the name is unique enough. Battle.net: ScottySmoth#1168 Epic: msscottytrailmix
Discord: HelixSpiral [***********]#0001 Steam: HelixSpiral [***********] Battlenet: HelixSpiral#1224 (been playing a lot of BO4)
steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ASilenceSoLoud battle.net: Tups#11937 snap4streaks: tylertupiak (pls dont google me, my cousin is a fuckin idiot)
There are a lot of ladie snapchats out there, when i am on special sites they show them everywhere Btw i only have snapchat which i do not use often: Blackhawko9