Title really. I feel like I have: fast processor, with a decent number of cores (mentally multitasking) probably average hard drive (long term memory) below average ram (short term memory can go to absolute shit sometimes) good core OS thats very compatible (I can pick up new things pretty quick, but random topics) bit of malware installed that makes me think of random shit all the time, like this thread [Serious] Thread, off topic replies are not welcome
budge build all the way. can handle pre much anythign just not top quality makes loud noises on max setting firewall impenetrable
Mid-range PC that has upgradability, and has the potential to run well, but has like 50 things open at a time that all take up major resources. Lags sometimes due to "thinking" about something else Deep-learning capability
Dollar store Processor, single, maybe duo core at most, overheats easily. 1tb SSD hardrive, loads fast but is corrupted and will load random files(Memories) decent ram, probabably 8gbs, but loses some processes (Put tool down but can't remember where it is 2 seconds later, but can instantly memorize complex mazes) Window 98, Simplistic. Malware/virus that has random popups, sometimes it gets spammed, other times it's lurking, picks either bedtime or social times to hammer the popups (Usually regrets, mistakes made in the past, future goals)
Got me a good processor. Nothing to scream about, but it is pretty good. I've got a massive hard drive. I can remember shit from a decade ago for no reason. 5 mb of RAM. I can walk into a room and forget why Windows Vista Sometimes the process kicks it into high gear, and other times it slows down. Probably got some crazy mood swings yo.
3+, relatively fast cores. Decent hard drive. Good RAM. Highly Compatible OS A ton of malware that makes me oof constantly.
complex nasa computer with tons of processing and rendering power - why? I believe all normal human brains are fast as fuck.
im a shitty laptop that only runs on low power mode and always has its fans going top speed also i have a virus that just plays hardcore porn 24/7 in the background its kinda fun
a macbook running linux, hard to use, and understand and makes you question why you wasted your money
heh my mind would be shite https://www.bestbuy.com/site/hp-ome...hing-and-carbon-fiber/6123301.p?skuId=6123301
I'm a top of the line custom built PC. I've got a shiny i9 9900k, 64GB of DDR4 ram clocking in at 4200MHz, 2TB of NVMe SSD on top of a 8TB spinning disc. I've got a blazing set of GTX 2070 cards for normal tasks and deep learning. I run a flexible Linux distribution with deep learning at it's core. My case has seen better days, it could definitely be smaller, slimmer, and lighter. Unfortunately my motherboard is screwed beyond repair. The manufacturer refuses to acknowledge any issues whatsoever, and I can't afford to replace it. This leads to random crashes, fairly consistent bottlenecking and inconsistent driver issues that refuse to go away. Despite the on paper capabilities of the build, 90% of the time the machine runs like it's a Core 2 Duo DDR2 shitbox.
An AMD CPU (doing mutliple task at the same time) that has 8gb of ram (may not respond when running in multiple processes) and Radeon Vega Graphics GPU(not the best but still everyone's reliabilty for complex computations)